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tribunal help
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 10:38 am
by brian12321
ok, ive beaten bloodmoon, and just got tribunal. So i installed tribunal, and cause it wasnt recognizing bloodmoon anymore i reinstalled bloodmoon and it recognized both. the trouble is, i dont know where tribunal is! is it a new island, or does it all take place in morrowind? it added a lot more water in the bottom left corner of the map, but i dont see anything else! did i screw something up?
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 1:55 pm
by UncleScratchy
Getting to Mournhold (spoilers?)
Possible spoilers:
Start playing the game and then sleep somewhere. Eventually you will be attacked by one or two Dark Brotherhood assassins. Someone has put a hit on you. Read the Journal entry. It will advise you to report the attack to a guard. The guard will advise you seek out a high ranking member of the Imperial Guard in Ebonheart. He is visiting on an inspection trip from Mournhold (another city). Mournhold is not on the map, however. You have to be transported there. He will tell you who to see about being transported there. Once you've reported the assassin attacks to this officer the attacks will stop. You can transport to and from Mournhold as needed using these special guild guides (one in Ebonheart and one in Mournhold). You can also use Mark/Recall to return to Vvardenfell or vice versa if you like.
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 1:32 pm
by brian12321
thanx i thought i f'ed somethin up