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Jan's quest. (SPOILERS)
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 10:56 am
by Sinus
I'm doing the Jan Jensen quest right now, you know, the one with his former lover's daughter. I was told by the Hidden (he who was the only one who could heal Lissa's daughter) to go and talk with Sea's Bounty's proprietor, he would give some information what to do next. Now, in the very beginning of the game I had mistakenly killed a guy in this same inn. So the proprietor bacame red-circled. Now when I need to talk to him, it doesn't work ofcourse. What to do?
I have looked in what the proprietor will tell, but when I went to the place where there should have been two guys whom I would have to fight, nobody there.
I hope there is somekind of solution to this, because if I don't do this quest I can't have Jan back. And that would be a great loss. (He has much of my important stuff and he has been in my group a very long time, wouldn't want to kill him...)
Sorry if you find any misspellings, I'm not very good in English.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 12:18 pm
by Luis Antonio
Man, start the game from the beggining with the same party, and good luck. The inkeeper you've killed is a key person in lots of plots round the game, and you'd need him sooner or later.
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 12:56 pm
by Sinus
What? Oh no.
I just can't start from the beginning. I have played a very long time already. See, I'm still on Chapter 2, but I have like more than 40 000 I could have gone to Gaelan Bayle (or if that was his name) a long time ago. But I'm just taking easy and getting much of XP before starting with the "rescuing Imoen"-quest.
And I didn't kill the innkeeper. He turned red, and stays red, when I killed a man in the inn. The innkeeper doesn't hurt me or anything. Just stays red.
No, I have to find some other way around this.
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 1:21 pm
by Luis Antonio
Try killing everybody and then spawning him with CLUA. But I don't know his code, and it is likely he will not tell you bout the plot, IMO.
BTW, what is your party?
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 1:52 pm
by Sinus
Me, Minsc, Korgan, Viconia, Jan and Edwin.
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 2:15 pm
by Luis Antonio
I'm playing goodie now.
Me - Skald equalizer + Gesen bow (poison arrows almost running out)
Sarevok (I've just been 'promoted' to ToB, will restart soon, try a complete evil party) with Red Dragon Plate + Lilarcor (it was Minsc all the same two minutes ago)
Immie (spells spells spells, no thieving skills, thinking bout changing to Jan, he kicks ass)
Anomen (Crom + shield of lost 4 now but soon he will be dual with the Runehammer)
Mazzy (Short sword +4 and +3, dual)
Valygar (Family Sword + CFury, but soon it will be Hindo's doom and some else)
A bit of a punck, a lack of decent (druid) spells. But that has worked through SoA, killed Irenicus with Ascencion piece of cake.
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 4:01 pm
by Sinus
Hehe, I solved the problem by myself (and little help from others).
I edited the script, and when in the game, wrote CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("THUMB"). This summoned the bartender to Sea's Bounty. All social and friendly. I have two identical bartenders in the inn. One hostile and one who speaks with me, lol.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 4:35 pm
by fable
@Sinus, hi. Welcome to the GB forums; and a couple of quick suggestions for future posts:
First, identify the basics of your problem in the thread title. That will instantly attract people who know the answers you seek.
Second, put an indication of SPOILER in your thread title. We're receiving a lot of continuing complaints from people opening threads that instantly giveaway information in the game they didn't want to know. I'm changing your thread title accordingly, for this one.
Enjoy the game, and again, the forums.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:06 pm
by Sinus

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:24 pm
by fable
Good luck with those bartenders, by the way. Hopefully, your interactions with Mr. Nice will set the right flags, and Mr. Nasty will just ignore your folks and curse.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:52 am
by Luis Antonio
It worked? I thought that the Thumb will not display the right 'lines' after a CLUA.
Perhaps Fable knows bout it, so, Does baldurdash affects these things, cause I've installed it and it cripples the 'natural' cheating AI allowed the char to do.
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:57 am
by boo's daddy
Originally posted by Sinus I have two identical bartenders in the inn. One hostile and one who speaks with me, lol.
he he. You should have Viconia charm the friendly one then get him to duff up his clone.
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 6:12 am
by Luis Antonio
Originally posted by boo's daddy
he he. You should have Viconia charm the friendly one then get him to duff up his clone.
That will be cool... but sadistic.
Try charming the bargirl... she may slap him in the face... hehehe