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Mystic's Open (Spoiler's Included)

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 8:23 am
by Loredweller
Mystic's Open (Spoilers Included)

Moderate in Mystics? Want fast money and growth in skill? Try an read this. Of course, it may be nothing new, altogether I haven’t met this receipe, so there’s no harm to offer it to your attention.

What you’re going to have is:
• some Absorb Health spell;
• Lock and optional Open;
• optional Detect Creature spell;
• optional Night Eye spell;
• Soultrap spell;
• Mark and Recall;

Then visit a spellmaker for
• Soultrap 2sec on Target + Absorb Health xx on Target in 50ft, I’d call it Mass Soulpick 30 (MS30);
• Lock 1 on Touch;
• Open 1 on Touch (may be replaced with a large enough set of decent lockpicks if you have a skill);
I usually set xx to 30 because it is just enough for an Ancestral Ghost (a skeleton requires, IIRC, 2 hits, a Bonewalker – 3).
Go by guild guide to Vivec and get the gems form the bedroom on half stair (nobody guards them anyway) to have gems to start with (you should have a handful of Petty from Balmora crates altogether, however the Common are what you really need). Visit all Guild quarters and collect all Restore Magicka in supply chests.
Then leave Balmora through south gate and go along Odai river (without crossing it) until you reach a small opening in the hills. At the end of this opening there is Tharys Ancestral Tomb. Inside there are 3 rooms with closable doors. Let us name the rooms Central Hall (CH), East Room(ER) and North Hall (NH). The CH is empty if you’re at level 1 of 2. Lock the doors of ER and NH. You definitely are neither ready nor wish to meet any skeleton by now. One shot from Skeleton Archer’s steel bow is death to you, and plain skeletons aren’t much better if you’re in range of their reach.
Now use your MS30. You are going to find (if you already haven’t) the spell is working through doors and walls. Grant, for most of you it’s going to fail often in the beginning (as it does for me). Altogether you should have enough Restore Magicka to manage to fill all 3 Common Gems you’ve got in Vivec and probably a Petty one, too. Keep remerging to lock NH and either ER or CH rooms, you wouldn’t wish any skeletons loose still. If you target with your MS the CH door, you are gaining through also ER, so CH and NH doors would be enough. NPC and the creatures such as skeletons can open the doors and are doing this if they aren’t locked. Detect creature is very useful to find out the exact location of your prey as well as to ensure there is none left before you are unlocking the doors.
Of course, do remember to dispose the corpses to make the room for creatures to respawn (of to left ones for the rooms you do not wish more respawning in).
Now sell them. Creeper in Caldera is the best with the safe way to him, altogether it is only the question of gain, not of the principle.
Now you should have enough money to go to Tel Blanora (Vivec by Slider, then boat from here). (I’m usually buying the Shakti’s Secrets Book to get an excuse). Buy as many Common and Petty gems as you can. Most probably you will have to use Recall to get back to Balmora to visit the tomb again.
Besides the nice souls you may gain here there’re also nice arrows, too. In fact it’s ever main reason for me to hunt there. While you are on first level the skeleton archers have only iron arrows (they always do have steel bows nonetheless). It changes with level 2. (I’m ending the hunting tour with 3 chests full with heaps of assorted enchanted arrows.) The arrow hunt season is going to end when you’d reach the six level, though, there’s going to be no more Skeleton Archers then.
You are going to run out of Restore Magicka from MG supply chests eventually, of course, it comes rather soon. However, Nalcarya of White Haven always has a bottle of Exclusive Restore Magicka for you, no matter how often you ask. If you are ready for reasonable haggling (after some bribing), you may find the prices going down with your Mercantile (and Personality) growing fast enough. (There’s another way, as usually, at the end of the topic.)
What inhabits the rooms of the tomb at different PC levels?
1st :
CH – empty;
NH – Skeletons, Skeleton Srchers, Ancestral Ghosts;
ER - Ancestral Ghosts;
CH – empty;
NH – Skeletons, Skeleton Srchers, Ancestral Ghosts, Bonewalkers;
ER - Ancestral Ghosts;
3rd and 4th:
CH – Ancestral Ghosts;
NH – Skeletons, Skeleton Srchers, Ancestral Ghosts, Bonewalkers;
ER - Skeletons, Skeleton Srchers;
CH – skeletons, skeleton archers;
NH –Bonewalkers;
ER – Skeleton Warriors and (Greater) Bonewalkers;
At the 5th level I’m usually even leaving the corpse form NH and ER just to hunt only for arrows. And I never care for gathering and selling the shields and weapons from Skeletons, I’m just putting them in heaps in corners and along the walls.

Regarding the Magicka. It’s known issue, altogether I’m going to remind anyway - highlight the next to read.
It’s about complex spell “something” 1pt on Target + Fortify Magicka x pts on Self. As “something” I’ve used Calm Humanoid, Heal, Light, whatever – rather inoffensive spells to avoid problems if used in populated areas. The maximum of x is obviously 100, however it really must be just more than you’re going to spend casting it. Target the ground (or whatever nearby) and cast, at success your Magicka is going up. Moreover, in difference of plain Fortify Magicka it’s not going to disappear other way than by spell casting. So one can pump up the amount of Magicka he has patience for. The subtle difference regarding the top spell is in the skill it’s going to develop.