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Clua Numbers - spoiler

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 3:04 pm
by davfra
could one of you kind people tell me clua console number for a bag of holding and a gem bag?
I hate cheating like this but it really is getting out of hand and I`m only on chapter 3!

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 3:15 pm
by UserUnfriendly

BAG02 - Gem Bag (BAG02B-BAG02I also work)
BAG03 - Scroll Case (BAG03B-BAG03I also work)
BAG04 - Bag of Holding
BAG05 - Ammo Belt (Throne of Bhaal)
BAG06 - Potion Case (Throne of Bhaal, BAG06B-BAG06D also work)
BAG19 - Bag of Holding (Throne of Bhaal, BAG19A-BAG19E also work)
BAG20 to BAG31 - Bag of Holding (Throne of Bhaal)

you're actually better off getting the gem bags at the adventurer's mart...

having duplicate bags will mean they'll share the same inventory...always annoyed one and you can access the contents of another bag... :p

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 5:18 am
by davfra
My poor, overloaded team send their sincere thanks!

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 7:29 pm
by VonDondu
Originally posted by UserUnfriendly
having duplicate bags will mean they'll share the same inventory...always annoyed one and you can access the contents of another bag... :p
Actually, I would like to be able for all of my party members to access the same bags. But in my experience, whenever I created duplicate bags, all but one of them disappeared from inventory shortly after its creation, which left me with the impression that the game does not tolerate duplicate containers. Has your experience been different? Do you think the game version might have anything to do with it?

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:24 pm
by UserUnfriendly
well, i like having seperate bags...maybe one of wes wiemer's mods are doing that??? i've never seen that before, so i have no clue... ;)

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 10:03 am
by bullions27
It's hard-coded like that (intentioanl or bug). You can only have one version of each container. Any duplicates will have that "shared" effect and items being lost. What you CAN do though is create new containers.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 11:34 am
by Harbinger
Does anyone know where I can get a full list of the CLUA commands? I know I saw one somewhere cant remember.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 11:35 am
by Harbinger
Does anyone know where I can get a full list of the CLUA commands for items? I know I saw one somewhere cant remember.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 3:24 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Originally posted by Harbinger
Does anyone know where I can get a full list of the CLUA commands for items? I know I saw one somewhere cant remember.

a full list??? i actually have downloaded about 3-8 docs from and to compile my various sources that are no longer available...

tell me what you need, and either myself or von will know of it...actually von knows quite a bit more about clua console commands than i do...but i probably know more about shadowkeeper... :p :p :p

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 3:52 pm
by Aegis
Perhaps it would be worthwhile to compile a running list onto the forums.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 4:54 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Originally posted by Aegis
Perhaps it would be worthwhile to compile a running list onto the forums.

maybe a sticky???


Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 6:45 pm
by davfra
As said in my original post, I don`t think this game would be half as enjoyable without one of these bags. I cheated early in the game and gave myself one on those `bottomless` bags.
I had loads of goodies in it and when I got the `official` bag, (I think it was Spellhold) I found that the new bag had everthing in it that the `cheat` bag had!
I can honestly say that I resisted temptation and dumped the duplicate!

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 10:32 pm
by VonDondu
Originally posted by UserUnfriendly
a full list??? i actually have downloaded about 3-8 docs from and to compile my various sources that are no longer available...

tell me what you need, and either myself or von will know of it...actually von knows quite a bit more about clua console commands than i do...but i probably know more about shadowkeeper... :p :p :p
Of course you know more about Shadowkeeper than I do--you cheat a lot more than I do. :p

As for CLUAConsole commands, all I do is look them up with Infinity Explorer if someone has a question and I have the time. IMO, it's no big deal. :)

As for a list of item codes, there's this wonderful feature on the internet called Google. Try it sometime. :) It just took me about thirty seconds to find an excellent item list by THE man himself, Dan Simpson. It's in plain text, so you can copy it to a text file on your own computer for future reference.

As good as that list might be, however, it isn't complete because there are so many MODs that add new items to the game or change existing items. Ideally, the best list of all would include every item in the installation on your own computer. Fortunately, there's an easy way to generate such a list. The only drawback is that you can't save it to a file or print it out. Just use Shadowkeeper, click on "View", and select "Item Browser". Every item in your own installation will appear on the list. You can sort them by name alphabetically or by item type or by item code, and you can see every item description. Shadowkeeper is an editor, but in effect, it's also a resource viewer that is superior to Infinity Explorer in several ways. But if you want more information about an item (or a creature or a spell), you can use Shadowkeeper to find the code and then look it up in Infinity Explorer. That's what I always do.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 10:53 pm
by VonDondu
Originally posted by davfra
As said in my original post, I don`t think this game would be half as enjoyable without one of these bags. I cheated early in the game and gave myself one on those `bottomless` bags.
I agree. When I play, I don't want to be bothered by the hassle of inventory management, so I cheat in one or more Bags of Holding as well. I also use the MOD called Ease of Use that removes the stacking limits, so that I can put more than 40 arrows in one stack, for example.

One thing you need to be aware of is that the "vanilla", un-MOD-ified Bags of Holding are NOT "bottomless". The one you find in Spellhold can only hold about 120 items or so (I can't remember the exact number). If you throw a few stacks of arrows into it, it will fill up very fast. The new Bags of Holding that you can find in Throne of Bhaal (two of which are already full of items in case you start a new game) can hold about 800 items or so. Again, if you throw a few stacks of arrows into those containers, they will fill up eventually. I think the Ease of Use MOD will increase the limit to something like 64,000 items, but you have to install the MOD before you start the game.

For me, the problem with Bags of Holding is that I keep way too many items, which itself creates inventory management problems. Ever try to organize a Bag of Holding? It's like cleaning out a HUGE closet. :)
Originally posted by davfra
I had loads of goodies in it and when I got the `official` bag, (I think it was Spellhold) I found that the new bag had everthing in it that the `cheat` bag had!
I can honestly say that I resisted temptation and dumped the duplicate!
Actually, UserUnfriendly discussed this point above. You didn't actually have two of each item; you had one of each item but they could be accessed from two different Bags.

But speaking of having extra items, if you start Throne of Bhaal from scratch (without playing Shadows of Amn first), the game will automatically give you a Bag of Holding full of supplies to get you started, including goodies such as the Flail of Ages, the Spear of Impaling +3, etc. There are two different Bags like that, and you start with one or the other. (If you are continuing a game from Shadows of Amn, you don't get either Bag, because you already have plenty of equipment of your own.) If you give yourself one of those Bags, you'll be giving yourself a lot of extra items. I usually dump them out and keep the Bags, but if you really want to keep all of that extra stuff, there's nothing stopping you except your own conscience. :)

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 3:15 am
by UserUnfriendly
"But speaking of having extra items, if you start Throne of Bhaal from scratch (without playing Shadows of Amn first), the game will automatically give you a Bag of Holding full of supplies to get you started, including goodies such as the Flail of Ages, the Spear of Impaling +3, etc. There are two different Bags like that, and you start with one or the other. (If you are continuing a game from Shadows of Amn, you don't get either Bag, because you already have plenty of equipment of your own.) If you give yourself one of those Bags, you'll be giving yourself a lot of extra items. I usually dump them out and keep the Bags, but if you really want to keep all of that extra stuff, there's nothing stopping you except your own conscience. "

urm...what's the code for that specific bag??? :p :p :p

i do cheat a lot... :rolleyes:

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 6:29 am
by VonDondu
I just summoned nineteen different Bags of Holding and looked inside them, and I was a bit surprised by what I found. I have a bunch of MODs installed and I don't know if that has any effect on what's inside the Bags. But here's what I found.

I think that BAG04 is the "original" Bag of Holding that you get in Spellhold. It was empty when I summoned it. Unfortunately for my tests--but fortunately for my gaming pleasure--the Bag has apparently been MOD-ified by one of the MODs I installed because I stuffed it with 200,000 arrows and it still wasn't full. When I tried to take out 65,000 arrows at one time, the game locked up. (The game doesn't seem to like stacks that exceed 9999.)

I think that BAG31 is the Bag that you can buy from one of the merchants in Throne of Bhaal. It's empty. It has a limit of 2000 items.

The rest of the Bags, including BAG19, BAG19A-BAG19E, and BAG20-BAG30, all have items inside them. I could detect seven distinct combinations, some of which are very similar and a couple of which are unique. That makes seventeen Bags that already contain items.

I started two games of Throne of Bhaal from scratch just to see which Bags my characters got. I don't know if class matters, but my Berserker got BAG20 and my Sorcerer got BAG29. I suspect that it's random, but I don't know which Bags are in the "lottery".

The items really aren't that great. There isn't anything that you couldn't summon yourself, and you'll probably want to get rid of most of it if you already have decent equipment of your own. For example, why would I want a plain old Two Handed Sword +3 when I already have Soul Reaver, Joril's Dagger, and the Silver Sword? And how many of my characters can use the Mercykiller Ring if I only have one Thief in my party? :)

But do what you like. Why don't YOU summon all of those Bags? :p

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 7:47 am
by Xyx
The ToB bags have mostly bland +3 stuff in them... they totally stink compared to what an average character would have at the end of SoA...

All bags can easily be made bottomless with an editor. They're all implemented as stores. Just set the store capacity to 0 and it'll be truly bottomless.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 2:31 pm
by UserUnfriendly
von, i suspect you have blucher's bottomless bags of holding and infinite stacking of arrows and potions in ease of use mod...

i was mostly curious anyway...will have to try out on my own...

:p :p :p