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Pickpocket help, please

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Pickpocket help, please

Post by RoxannC »

I've looked everywhere in the manual and in the game help and can't figure out how the pickpocket/sleight of hand skill is supposed to work. Can someone please help? Thank you.
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Post by RoxannC »

Would the fact that my party is Lawful Neutral mean that I'm prohibited from pickpocketing? Even though my Rogue isn't lawful?
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Post by ramoney »

I use it by selecting my thief, moving him/her over to the victim, then rightclick on the victim and select sleight of hand from the radial menu. This works for me.
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Post by bariumdose »

Sleight of hand

My rogue is neutral good. I'm not sure if that makes a difference, but when I try to do a sleight of hand and get a successful roll, nothing happens. I don't see what I pickpocketed in his inventory. I know he gets successful rolls by checking the d20 roll sidebar screen in the game. Plus, he has a ring of invisibility, cloak of elvenkind, boots of elvenkind, and is a halfling with the racial bonus.

Does Sleight of Hand actually work? Does my rogue have to be evil for this feat to work? Or, is it another bug with this game?
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Galuf the Dwarf
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

[QUOTE=bariumdose]My rogue is neutral good. I'm not sure if that makes a difference, but when I try to do a sleight of hand and get a successful roll, nothing happens. I don't see what I pickpocketed in his inventory. I know he gets successful rolls by checking the d20 roll sidebar screen in the game. Plus, he has a ring of invisibility, cloak of elvenkind, boots of elvenkind, and is a halfling with the racial bonus.

Does Sleight of Hand actually work? Does my rogue have to be evil for this feat to work? Or, is it another bug with this game?[/QUOTE]

Not everyone you encounter has much of anything you can pick their pockets for, from my experiences. I have a feeling that such may not have been implimented, with how rushed to sales the game was.
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

One person you're definitely supposed to be able to pick is the female evil agent in the Waterside Hostel in Nulb (the one the wife thinks is having an affair with her husband). You're supposed to be able to steal a map from her. See if you can get that to work.
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Post by bariumdose »

Pickpockets and sleights of hand

Thanks, Lord Plothos! Although your tip kinda had a spoiler for me, at least I can verify that I don't have another bug.

Also, thanks again for your help on my patch issues. I finally got everything to work. Now if only there was a mod that would include torches or lamps - I'm going blind trying to find all my crew when night falls or if I'm crawling through a dark hallway.
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

Hmm, I haven't had much trouble finding things, myself. Have you tried adjusting the settings in the game's options menu, or for your monitor?
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