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SOA: Is there a Max Exp Cap and/or Character level?

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SOA: Is there a Max Exp Cap and/or Character level?

Post by Owen »

Revisiting SOA, I am currently in what appears a maxed out situation for Exp points/Levels for each char.

It appears I am not recieving any more points - hence no further levels...

Main Char Mage lvl 17 2950000
Keldorn 17 2950000
Minsc 17 2950000
Anomen 20/7 2886000
Jareira 13/13 1475000/1475000
Imoen 17/7 2910000

I can't recall if there is a "cheat" to remove...

I would like my mage to get level nine spells...

(I do have Shadow Keeper and know how to edit some things - but curious on a ""Cap"" removal cheat)

Still lusting for Jareira - but love em all....
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Post by Numinor »

Try this thread : ... adid=27396

If you have a question which was likely answered before consider using the search function, a search for Exp Cap will give you plenty results ;)
There are three kinds of people that no one understands: geniuses, madmen and guys that mumble.
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Post by Owen »

Thanx - searched a bit prior - but should have used a potion of Mind Focusing on my choice to search verbage.

Again - thanx for saving me some time and I now recall that site as well.....
Still lusting for Jareira - but love em all....
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