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Magic Weapons - making of

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 5:45 am
by Rick
Hell o!

After the Galeb Duhrs I wanted to have some better weapons. I have now found out that you don't need the Masterwork weapons - you just use the magical you already have and boost those!
My fighter is specialised with the Battle Axe and uses a +1. That just did not work, so now I have boosted it to a +3, Shocking Flaming Frost Battle Axe! No need to make a coup de grace and those Trolls anymore! I have done the same thing with my ranger and his Longswor +1 and Warhammer +1.
Now I just need some more XP to boost the thiefs Shortsword +1 :D

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 2:26 pm
by Lammbo
What do you need to have to make the weapons flaming? So far, I've gotten Holy, Shocking and Frost but flaming has never shown up on the list for me.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 9:44 am
by Rick
No idea! I can't choose Holy, but I guess that's because I have a evil group. My wizard knew Burning Hands. Maybe that has something to say? I really don't know.


Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 9:02 am
Ok, I have gotten two Great Cleavers 17-20 for critical hits, but I am not sure how to upgrade them magically. I have a lvl 7 wizard, and I have been using craft wonderous item to make things like gaunlets of Str. but when it comes to enchanting weapons, I find the interface confusing. How do you work the two boxes? Are you able to name the weapons yourself? Is ther some kind of guide on how to do this? I haven't been able to find any usefull information in the manual.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 10:30 am
by Rick
To make magical weapons you nedd one of two thing:
1: Magical weapons - to boost
2: Masterwork weapons

As I remember are the cleavers neither magical nor masterwork, so you cannot work on them.

If you want a +3 weapon you need to make it a +1 first, then +2 and finally +3. You can then make them Holy, Avenger, Flaming or what ever you want. Just remember that you are limited of the amount of money and xp you have. Enchanting an item, weapon, armour etc costs some of your xp.


Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:04 am
by Galuf the Dwarf
Yeah, I like the idea of being able to make my own magical weapons for my party.

The thing is, will a +2 Longsword wielded by a Paladin with 18 Str and Weapon Focus (Longsword) help with the harder enemies in the game? I can already enchant the +3 or Holy effects on it, if those would be deemed necessary.

I also bought a nice Masterwork Greataxe from Otis for my Half-Orc Barbarian, so I can enchant that.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:42 pm
Enchanting Weapons

Ok, here is what I have figured out:

A. To upgrade non-magic to magic weapons they must be of 'masterwork' quality.

B. If an item is already magical (ie. +1, +2, Flaming) it can still be enchanted. I upgraded a +1 Flameburst long sword into a +2 flame. Also, even if the weapon isn't labeled as a +1, or even if its not labeled as magic, as long as it glows blue on screen, it can be enchanted. I upgraded both of my Great Cleavers to +2 so far. To add burst though, I think I would need to first get a +3 enchantmet. After I finish with weapons, I am going to start fiddling with armour.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 3:36 am
by AncientGreyelf

Most of my player chacters were given gloves of +6 strength or something similar.Then went on to create weapons of plus abilities.Although The frostbrand I found has better special effects than the one I created.The sword I created I made +1+2 and added frost at the same time.Idon't know if I should have added different abilities at different times?I havent finised the game yet.I have been to the potal in the sky guarded by the vrock.I have had elmo in the party for several level ups, he isn't hitting everthing like he used to so next I will try to add to his axe.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 5:53 pm
by Oigen
HELP Magic weapons problem

i got the feat but i only can use the +1,+2,+3 and frost options
what do i need for the other enchanments :confused:

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 6:28 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
Re: HELP Magic weapons problem
Originally posted by Oigen
i got the feat but i only can use the +1,+2,+3 and frost options
what do i need for the other enchanments :confused:

I can at least say that you need to be Level 7 and have a cleric with an Alignment-specific domain (Good, Evil, Law, or Chaos) in order to add their respective effects. Holy Smite (Good domain) adds Holy enchantment. Order's Wrath (Law) adds Axiomatic enchantment. Chaos Hammer adds the Anarchaic (sp?) effect. Finally, Unholy Blight adds the Unholy effect.

Also, if the in-game info section (the button next to options) is correct, each one not only affects their alignment counterpart, but on Neutral-aligned targets as well. So, a Holy weapon, in that case, would deal additional damage to both a Neutral- (as in Lawful through Chaotic Neutral) or Evil-aligned target. An axiomatic/lawful weapon would do additional damage against chaotic and neutral opponents.

Still, from what I gather, the Axiomatic enchantment would not do even more damage against Chaotic Neutral opponents. It would do the standard additional. Still, I'd hope that someone could validate (or disprove) this to make sure.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 6:58 pm
by Oigen
Re: Re: HELP Magic weapons problem

thanks for answering men but what about if my character is a sorcerer level 9. .. and how do i use the flaming, shock, etc,etc

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 10:05 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
Re: Re: Re: HELP Magic weapons problem
Originally posted by Oigen
thanks for answering men but what about if my character is a sorcerer level 9. .. and how do i use the flaming, shock, etc,etc

I was just reading up on that for you on Atari's ToEE forum. From what I gather (if I've got the facts straight), you have to have a Lvl 10 Wizard/Sorceror with Fireball or Lvl 10 Cleric (or Druid?) with the Flamestrike spell to enchant the flaming burst ability.

For shocking burst, you need a Lvl 10 spellcaster with either Call Lightening (Cleric of Obad-Hai or Druid, 5th-level spell) or Lightening Bolt (Wizard or Sorceror).

For Icy Burst, you need Lvl 10 and the spells Chill Metal, Ice Storm, or (possibly) Cone of Cold. Clerics of Obad-Hai or Druids can cast Ice Storm as high-level spells. Cone of Cold is a 5th-level Mage/Sorceror spell. Chill Metal is a 3rd-level Druid spell.

If you need more of them, I'll add them later, if you don't mind. Note that all levels appearing next to spells are the spell levels for each class. Overall, glad to be of service. ;)

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 2:01 am
by Savai
I've ran into a small problem trying to make anything past +3 weapons like adding effects.

My wizard and cleric are both level 10 the icey burst and about 5 others show up as white telling me I can use them but i cant get them to move over to the right side like i did with the +1 +2 and +3. I tried to just click on say icyburst and click creat and my computer freezes up bad, locking the whole thing up so i don't know whats up with that. I have the new patch so ive tried it pre patch and after and still doesnt work. Anyone else have this?

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 8:10 am
by Cruel
Well, I have similar problem. I'm limited to only 3 enchantments in one weapon. If I choose +1, +2 and +3, I am not able to apply any more effects. So, I can create, for example, +1, +2, +3 weapon or +1, +2, frost/shock burst, or +1, frost burst, shock burst etc. And I'm wondering, is this normal or is this some kind of bug. I would be very happy, if I could create Greataxe +1, +2, +3, Flaming, Frost, Shock, Frost Burst etc. Any ideas?

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 9:24 am
by Oigen
Thanks dwarf!

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 10:28 am
by Galuf the Dwarf
More weapon enchantments

Okay, here are some more.

1) Keen
Need: Caster Level 10, Craft Magic Arms & Armor feat, Keen Edge spell, +1 slashing weapon
Result: Increased chance of critical hit, chance for critical on 17-20 dice roll on a longsword (instead of 19-20).

2) Mighty Cleaving
Need: Caster Level 8, Craft Magic Arms & Armor feat, Divine Power spell, +1 weapon
Result: 1 extra cleave attempt per round

3) Frost
Need: Caster Level 10, Craft Magic Arms & Armor feat, Chill Metal/Ice Storm/Cone of Cold spell, +1 weapon
Result: Addition 1d6 damage

Notes for previous enchantments:
- Icy burst adds an additional 1d10 cold damage on a critical hit (is doubled to 2d10 by a x2 critical modifier, or tripled by x3)

- Other elemental burst effects work on critical hits. Flaming, frost, and shock work on regular hit, from what I gather.

- A magical bow with any enchantments that enhance damage has its arrows enchanted with the effect

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 8:44 am
by GrimGriz
I was just able to enchant a greataxe with more than 3 enchantments. I had my cleric pick up craft arms and armor when she hit level 6, and since my barbarian had taken Weapon Focus in greataxe, I bought a masterwork greataxe from Otis in nulb. At level 6 she didn't have the cool spells to craft Holy or anything, and having read this thread, I figured I could only put 3 enchantments on it. So, at that time, I just made it +2, and saved a spot for Holy.

The cleric just hit level 8, so I went to add holy, and I was able to add Holy, Mighty Cleaving, and +3.

All fear Bob's Holy Greataxe of Cleaving +3!!!

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 4:31 pm
by Raumoheru
my character is a level 4 monk and a level 6 fighter with weapon focus, specialization and improved critical for the greatsword.
so i made a nice little magic greatsword fpr it and it has might cleaving, shock, shocking burst, flaming, and frost. i want it to have keen and flaming burst but i cant figure out how to :(
i tried a lvl 10 sorc AND a level 10 wiz AND a level 10 cleric but none of them can do it.... :confused:

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 3:26 pm
by Greywulf
Flaming burst enchantment

I've got a 10th level sorcerer, and can't get an option to enchant flaming burst - yet she has both burning hands and fireball - is there another spell she is supposed to have memorized to get the option to enchant with flaming burst?

She took ice storm, which seemed to qualify for frost and icy burst (at 10th level), and she has both shocking grasp and lightning bolt (which worked for shock and shocking burst), and she can enchant with keen because she took keen edge as a spell.

There is no other fire spell for magic-users to take other than fireball and burning hands is there? Is flaming burst only an option for clerics with flame strike (I can't imagine that)?

Has anyone created a weapon with flaming burst using a sorcerer/wizard? If so, please post how.


Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 6:12 pm
by Greywulf
Answering my own question


In the 3E DMG it says that a caster level of 12 is required for flaming burst, so unless/until an expansion for higher levels is available, we cannot enchant an item with flaming burst.

Cruel to include it on the menu IMO - but maybe a sequel is in the works.

Feel free to prove me wrong and I'll be ecstatic...


Oh, well...