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Help Me (Good Party)

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 10:04 am
by Hashashin
I think I want :

1- Monk

2- Warrior/Barb

3- Sorceror

4- Rogue (/Ranger??)

5- Cleric

I don't know how to make them...race, stats, skills, feats...
maybe multiclassing...

I've played BG2, and it's my first time in Icewind Dale...
I don't know differences (I remember that in BG2 monk and sorc were ridicously strong...)
I don't want too much magic at the moment (maybe in next game)

Help me plese :D

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 10:44 am
by Galuf the Dwarf
First of all:

1) Sorcerors and Bards have Charisma as their spell-casting stat.

2) Monks and Paladins can only be starting classes for characters. If you want levels in those classes, the characters have to start out as them. Also, both classes have orders that they belong to, and certain classes that they can multi-class to in order to level in their receptacle class again. The description of each order in the character creation menu (when you pick a class for a character), or in the manual will tell you more.

3) For a multi-class Fighter/Barbarian, I would suggest that you have either a Dwarf (I'd suggest Shield Dwarf for this, and all Dwarf sub-races have Fighter as their favored class in this game) or Half-Orc (since they have a bonus to strength AND have Barbarian as their favored class). Since either these races have a favored class, that class will not have an experience penalty if they have their classes more than one level apart. Also, Barbarians have to be non-lawful, so a Dwarf Fighter will have to be Neutral Good or Chaotic Good to multi-class as Barbarian.

4) Rogues are often best off as a single class. Rangers are nearly sub-par in 3rd Edition D&D. Back to rogues, you'll want to have a good Int modifier (give them at least 14 Int so that they have +2 bonus to their Search and Disarm Trap skill, and for extra skill points). Also, pump Dexterity to the maximum that is initially allowed! A rogue can also benefit from at least 12 or 14 Con for hit points and saving throws against poison (Fortitude). Charisma only helps if you don't have anyone else to handle the Bluff skill (which Bards and I believe Sorcerors have as class skills). There are quite a few traps in this game, so a single-class rogue with alot of skill points is a must).

I'll explain more later. I've got to get ready for work. :o

Good Luck.

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 10:58 am
by Hashashin

Thanks a lot!

1) Monk

Do I need str 18 and dex 18? Or just Dex and Weap. Finesse?
Do I need Int ?

2) Fighter/Barb

I'll take the Half-Orc
Do I need Dex / Int / Wis ?

3) Sorceror
How much Int / Wis ?

4) Rogue
Well...single class

A question : while playing, I wasn't able to find how to see my attacks (damage, number, chance to hit)
I can just see my sav. throws

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 12:01 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
Originally posted by Hashashin

Thanks a lot!

1) Monk

Do I need str 18 and dex 18? Or just Dex and Weap. Finesse?
Do I need Int ?
It depends upon your playing style. If you're looking to multi-class a Monk of the Old Order to Rogue, it may work. I would suggest this after you've finished a game with a more normal party.

2) Fighter/Barb

I'll take the Half-Orc
Do I need Dex / Int / Wis ?

Dex and Wis: Yes, but only about 12 of each to start, and increase Dex to 14 or 16 to add to armor class. You gain an additional stat point every 4 levels, and (if yo gain enough) you main gain 4 or more by the time that you (if you feel up to it) take your party into Heart of Fury mode.

Int is not as important, but only if you want many skill points. Still, that may not be your main goal.








There are Mind Flayers at one point in the game, so don't make Int too low. Keep it at about 8, unless you're looking to gain a feat that requires a certain Int score. Still, a plain Fighter might be a warrior with 12 Int at creation.

3) Sorceror
How much Int / Wis ?

Int should be at least 12, but you may want to go higher for having enough skill points in Alchemy, Knowledge (Arcana), Concentration, and Spellcraft. Wizards often have less of a problem with that. Wis is really up to you, since it mainly works for Will saving throws (against mind-affecting spells) for arcane spellcasters. You may want to take some points from that (have it with 6 being the lowest you go) to add to Int, Dex (for armor class) or Con (for health points and concentration checks).

4) Rogue
Well...single class

Yep. Definitely give them Weapon Finesse as well. This will make their sneak attacks with small weapons (IIRC, though, it may only apply to short swords and daggers) more powerful.

A question : while playing, I wasn't able to find how to see my attacks (damage, number, chance to hit)
I can just see my sav. throws

That's a tough one. You may want to go into the feedback part of the menu for that.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 9:56 am
by harbourboy
1) Your monk could also do with high wisdom - as this gets added to his Armour Class

2) You can see your hit rolls and damage rolls by changing an option in the Game options where you can select which 'events' you want displayed in the game window.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 10:16 am
by Galuf the Dwarf
Originally posted by harbourboy
1) Your monk could also do with high wisdom - as this gets added to his Armour Class

2) You can see your hit rolls and damage rolls by changing an option in the Game options where you can select which 'events' you want displayed in the game window.

D'oh! I meant to mention #1, but I was in a slight bit of a hustle to get ready for work that day.

That's what I meant to say with #2. Some names for menu parts vary from game to game, correct?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 12:10 pm
by harbourboy
Yes - actually you were correct. The part of the options menu is called 'feedback'