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Reputation too high

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 6:31 pm
hi, everyone :)

i would like to know what the best way to reduce your reputation by a couple of points without taking on any other party members.

at the moment i have 18 rep and i just need to reduce that too about 14 or 15 so i can complete a couple of quests and still keep Edwin and Korgan.


Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 7:46 pm
by JackOfClubs
Depends what chapter you are in:

If you are still in Ch 2 or 3, getting Viconia in your party will drop your rep by 2 points. If you kick her out it will raise back up 2 points. So if you get her, you can do two more quests without upsetting Korgan or Edwin. After that you will have to be tricky. If you kick her out right before you get a reputation bonus, your Rep will shoot up to 20. Since that is the max, the game will not give you any more, so when you take her back into the party, it will drop back down to 18. The only problem is keeping Ed & K far enough away, that they don't leave before you have finished all the transactions.


If you are in Ch 5 or greater, you can become the slayer to drop 2 points whenever you wish. Just don't stay in that form too long or you will die.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 1:27 am
by Loki 65t
Simulated thievery. Go into a building where you won't show up again , fail at pickpockteging and as the victim goes hostile get out of there asap. You could do it for example in city gate tavern.
Make sure AI is turned off - or else your party will engage any hostiles.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 2:07 am
by unrelated
or just kill a commoner somewhere in a very remote area and then buy back some reputation in a church

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 3:15 am
ok cheers everyone

yeah im still in chapter 2, but im happy with my party at the moment, so id rather not have viconia.
I had only really thought of kiling someone to ruduce my rep but that was reducing it to 9, which is lower than i want
i think ill try the thievery, if that fail ill just have to murder someone and spend more money at the shops

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 6:42 am
by UncleScratchy
Originally posted by AARRGGHHH
ok cheers everyone

yeah im still in chapter 2, but im happy with my party at the moment, so id rather not have viconia.
I had only really thought of kiling someone to ruduce my rep but that was reducing it to 9, which is lower than i want
i think ill try the thievery, if that fail ill just have to murder someone and spend more money at the shops

If you haven't done Nalia's Keep yet you can be mean to the butler and tell him that he has to find his own way out. I think that's good for -2 pts of rep. Also you can refuse to release the kidnapped lady in the Bridge district and hold her for the ransom. That's another -2 pts I believe. There have been many posts regarding rep lowering strategies. Try using the Search function to find the old threads on this subject.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 7:58 am
by Loki 65t
About thievery - you could pay a visit to the umar hills for example - then "fail" at robbing the mayor ,run into the tavern , pickpocet guest at the tavern , shopkeepers outside the inn etc. (each = -2 rep ) and then split.

I believe it's of little use to you know - since you have 18 rep which means you've completed the quest with tanner. Next time instead of showing the evidence to aegisfield guy (the guard capatain ) simply say " I just knew it was him". You get all the standard xp and cash - but you won't get +1 rep.