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trainer/hack for changing feats and powers?

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 5:39 pm
by pood
I messed up my feats and force powers

i pretty much gave 2nd lvl valor when i noticed that only one person needs to get it, what a waste!

and i should've chose 2 hands rather than dueling, bah!

does anyone know of a program that i could use to rellocate my errors.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 5:56 pm
by flatness
Originally posted by pood
I messed up my feats and force powers

i pretty much gave 2nd lvl valor when i noticed that only one person needs to get it, what a waste!

and i should've chose 2 hands rather than dueling, bah!

does anyone know of a program that i could use to rellocate my errors.

What lvl are you now? Since this game has such high replay value, I suggest you to play a new game. Most of us play like 5 to 6 times already so starting a new game is not a pain in the ass anyway.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 7:03 pm
by fable
Originally posted by pood
i pretty much gave 2nd lvl valor when i noticed that only one person needs to get it, what a waste!

and i should've chose 2 hands rather than dueling, bah!

The first isn't an error, since you may not have both your Jedis along to use that power. The second definitely isn't an error, since dueling really gives a nice boost to a single-handed weapon user: more than you get out of a two-hander. I played through the Xbox version with dueling, and I'm playing through the PC version with two-weapons feats: I can't say one is better than the other. Trying them both out is one of the joys of replayability.

In fact, there's much to be said for having neither, after you've played one or two games, just to give yourself a real challenge--that, and ramping up the difficulty level, along with taking out a different party. :)

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 9:30 pm
by pood
i dun think im gonna be playing it again
ill probably try to see the other ending by using a cheat to turn me to dark

just don't have the time
already at the last star map, so theres no going back

i only fight with johlee and bristila, best group ever

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 3:36 am
by Migromul
Spoiler warning:

you don't need a cheat to see the dark end. Just go with bastila, when you have the choice. Save up at that point, load and choose the other option...

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 5:33 am
by Armisael
Taking valor and dueling certainly aren't crippling errors. I've played through about a dozen times and I happily used dueling for seven or eight of those. If you're already up to the last star map and you 'don't have the time' to redo everything, then just run the last mile with what you've already got and call it quits. This game is easy, you do not need an optimal build to win.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 3:32 pm
by maverick8088
The only drawback to Dueling is that with two sabers or a staff you hit twice as hard. I have taken as much as 90 points off an enemy before with two sabers. Both sabers had Opila crystals and one had the Solari, the other had Sigil, str was at 30 with the stim and Master Valor.

(possible Spoiler)

BTW master Valor is sweet for your plaver, it really came in handy for the final battle with Malak.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 12:51 am
by Armisael
You don't hit twice as hard two-weapon fighting... you get an extra attack, and double-bladed sabers have a slightly higher base damage than regular sabers. I've hit for similar damage many times with a single saber. They're just critical hits.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 12:16 am
by maverick8088
Originally posted by Armisael
You don't hit twice as hard two-weapon fighting... you get an extra attack, and double-bladed sabers have a slightly higher base damage than regular sabers. I've hit for similar damage many times with a single saber. They're just critical hits.

That's what I mean. The combined totals far exceed what you can get with a single saber and Master Dueling. And that's the whole point, take as much health off your enemy as fast as you can.

Plus I like the versatility of two sabers, but there is another string devoted to that debate - dual or staff

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 12:58 am
by Armisael
Well, yeah, you get one extra attack. But that's not the same as hitting twice as hard. I can usually expect to do around 160-200 damage per round with a single saber. Someone wielding a double-blade might do 200-240. Point being that even if two-weapon fighting produces a greater damage output, it's not to the degree that dueling becomes utterly useless.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 1:24 am
by Aegis
Call me a traditionalist, but I think the Episode 1 and 2 ruined SW's with the whole Doublebladed light saber, and dual sbaer combination. Single saber ,all the way!

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 2:04 am
by maverick8088
What in the world are you doing to get hits like that? The best I can ever manage is 150 max. per round, all attacks combined. What am I missing?

My best Character when I fought Malak looked like this: Male Scout/Guardian, Str18 Dex14 Con14 Intel10 Wis14 Char 12, Cyber Reaction Implant Dex+3, Verpine Ocular Enhancer Dex+1, Genoharadan Power Gloves Str+4, Star Forge robes Wis+5 Def+5, Yusanis shield 100 HP, Brejiks Arm Band-5 slashing, CNS Strength enhancer Str+2 all Saves +2, twin purple sabers, one Opila/Solari, the other Opila/Upari.

I thought I had a pretty kick butt character until you said you're getting 200 total with one saber. What are you doing different? Stims help but not that much!

Please help, those sound like fun numbers.

BTW I'm playing on Xbox, If it makes a difference

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 2:21 am
by maverick8088
Forgot to mention, Star Wars was ruined by Ep. 1 & 2 the movies not the sabers used in them. The lightstaff was originally put forth as a weapon in the EU, it was created by Exar Kun. And fighting with two sabers goes back to the Reneissance when a Sword and poinard were used. Or if you prefer, the Samurai used two swords in combat on occasion, though not as often as the Europeans. Single saber combat was derived from various Earth sword techniques (and even tennis forms). So it seems a natural extention to me that if one planet (Earth) can create all these forms then we should expect no less from an entire Galaxy of Jedi.

Now that I've said that, will someone PLEASE get Peter Jackson to rip control way from GL and salvage whats left of the prequel trilogy. I don't think GL could find any more ways to screw up. Midichlorians? Come on! Sounds like something I put in my pool. Virgin Birth of Anakin? Now he's Jesus? And what kind of a name for a blockbuster movie begins with the word "Attack" :mad: :mad: :mad:

Ok, Im calm again...just venting

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 2:37 am
by Armisael
See if I can figure out the math...

Basic saber damage is 8-32 (Heart of the Guardian, Sapith and Upari). +2 (saber specialisation), +16 (strength bonus - base 20, valor, stim, CNS, dominator gauntlets, Revan's robe). So 26-50 per attack, four attacks per round. 104-200 and, with luck, a critical hit on top of that for double damage. I guess my numbers might've been a bit optimistic, but not far off. That's definitely not 'usual' though, as the robes aren't available 'til the end and I'm certainly not going to use all that crap every battle. But theoretically, at least.