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Deus Ex: Invisible War

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 6:11 pm
by humanflyz
I recently got the game, and I can't help but to be disappointed by the game. By itself, the game is very good, but it just can't compare to the original Deus Ex.

1) steep hardware requirement: the recommended system requirement is a joke. It makes the most powerful PC weak on its knees.
2) Superfluous graphical features: Sure, the lighting and shadows look really, really good. But they absolute kill performance in the game. It would be worth it if the lights and shadows were actually important gameplay elements, but they are not.
3) Stealth: stealth, like in the original game, is not well executed. If stealth is to be truly a viable alternative to other decisions, then there should be AT LEAST some sort of indicator to tell the player how well-hidden he/she is.
4) Removal of skill system: The skill system in the original is gone. It's now replaced by the Biomods system.
5) Unified Ammo: Every weapon uses the same ammunition, which I find to be extremely unrealistic for a game that tries to immerse the player in this make-belief world.
6) Interface: Too much geared toward the XBox controls instead of keyboard/mouse combo for PC. Also it takes up too much space. Before the first patch is released, one had to edit hidden game files to change the size of the Interface.
7) Bloom: An option that makes the lighting blurry. I've seen it a lot on console games. But it makes the PC version look unclear.

1) still retains the same open-ended nature in Deus Ex, which is what I love the most about the series.

Although the list of cons heavily outnumber the list of pros, I still like the game so far, but not as much as Deus Ex 1. Anyone else have any comments?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 8:07 pm
by CannibalBob
Well if you compare what you felt about Deus Ex compared to DX:IW, DX would win since it had new concepts, ran great, wasn't a damn console port, and so on.

But if you compare DX:IW and DX now, DX:IW would win (better graphics, some more options, better engine, etc.)

Yet comparing a year 2003 game to a year 2000 game (I think it was 2000) isn't right. What I would compare is how you felt when you first played it. DX really gave you a sense that the devs cared about the game, that they tried hard to make it good.

But when you play DX:IW, you just get a feeling that the devs got bored, or had too many beers or something. Some of the bugs in the game could easily be picked up if the devs tested more, but obviosuly they wanted to release it ASAP since the xbox version was released before (you always want to release all versions preferably together, better marketing i guess).
Also the impact DX:IW is just a rehash of DX. They should've taken DX and added MORE. Big features that are wished up in forums or somewhere. (like you said, better stealth, like in the game Thief but better!) Big things that they wanted to add but couldn't due to technology or time constraints.

All they did was add some fancy graphics. Anyone can do that if you have the money.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 5:03 pm
by Robnark
I'll go with the whole 'fancy graphics, pity about utterly shafting many of the nice features of the previous game' concencus.

I wanted Deus Ex 2, and they gave us Deus Ex Lite :(

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 4:36 pm
by CannibalBob
I guess that's why they didn't name the game "Deus Ex 2" but "Deus Ex Invisible War". Thief 3 has been renamed (though it was never officially named)... I hope it doesn't go the way of DXIW.......

I would be perfectly fine if they just took DX and upgraded some things. If the graphics were the same, oh well! Stealh in DX wasn't the best, I thought AT LEAST that would have been upgraded in DXIW.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 9:39 am
by Luis Antonio
I just think that the storyline and the RPG factors included in DX were awesome, and really hard to beat, IMO the best game of the kind.

DX IW is something like Icewind Dale, I think, like, less intense storyline with more combat fancies added. My computer is not so cool at this time, but by the end of the year I shall be able to run it, then I'll tell you.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 7:28 am
by Fnord
Well if you compare what you felt about Deus Ex compared to DX:IW, DX would win since it had new concepts, ran great, wasn't a damn console port, and so on.

But if you compare DX:IW and DX now, DX:IW would win (better graphics, some more options, better engine, etc.)
Totally disagree. DX was, and I think still is, one of the most playable games ever made. I'm hesitant to call it my favorite game of all time (if only due to stiff competition from the likes of BG/BG2/ToB and PS:T), but it's certainly the game that I've played and completed more times than any other. I'm really not sure how many times I've beaten DX, but it's more than six. The game stands head-and-shoulders above its alleged "sequel," and all the fancy bells and whistles of IW don't make it nearly as immersive or engaging as its predecessor. Not even close.

Now that I've completed IW, I'm playing through DX again, and I'm enjoying it much more. It's just a better game, even by today's high standards.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 12:28 pm
by humanflyz
Seriously, I hope Ion Storm does not mess up Thief 3, but since they are still using the engine from Invisible War, I believe we will still see the same problems: ridiculously small levels, long-load times, crappy textures, non-swimmbable water, no support for EAX or surround sound.