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Set up a story post
Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 11:31 pm
by drowassasin
Does anyone besides me think that it would neat to have people start writing stories or biographies of their characters to help everyone, including themselves, understand their character better. It could be as long or as short as they wanted, but it would have to be able to let anyone set up the character based off the description without giving numbers away. Let me know if I am just an idiot or if this actually sounds like a good idea. You could even just reply with your character's bio to show your support for the idea. Just let me know!!!
Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 6:05 am
by Rob-hin
Good idea, unfortunately I don't have the time...
It's fun people.
Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 4:35 pm
by drowassasin
I understand that not everyone can get the time to write the story, but I wanted the option to be open. I will soon be posting my assassin's bio on here, and hopefully that will give others a good idea. I have tried to find a place to read other's stories, but I can never find them. That is why I set up this thread.
I can only hope it will help others to understand their own characters better. I'm not saying you have to be obsessed, but understanding your character's past will help you make their current decisions easier.