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Things Disappear from Inventory

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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David Coath
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Things Disappear from Inventory

Post by David Coath »

My son Alex and I have been having another go through Baldurs Gate 2 in order to beat it again. Problem is we have not ben able to complete some quests because items are disappearing from our inventory.

e.g. King Stromls 3rd when we get all the pieces of his helmet it says that it reassembles in your inventory, yet all the pieces dissapear and the mask is not ours. This rules out getting Samia's quest done and getting the stuff in his tomb. But are main problem is in the Asylum Dungeon when it says you need the shard of the crystal and Dace Sontans hand to get through the secret door. We got the hand and got to the crystal and touched it but the shard disappeared. So we are now stuck in the maze and have lost 100 hours of playing!!!

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Post by FilipeTeles »

if your inventory is full maybe the item is dropped in the ground you should search for it.
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Post by Numinor »

I suggest you install the latest patch and the baldurdash fixpack, I believe they fix some issues with disappearing items.
SoA Patch (only necessary if you don't have Throne of Bhaal): ... t/patches/
ToB Patch (only necessary if you have Throne of Bhaal of course ;) ): ... t/patches/
Baldurdash Fixpack (install after the patch):

To get your items back you can use the CLUAConsole commands:
Open the Baldur.ini file in your BG2 directory and add "Debug Mode=1" under [Program Options]. Start BG2 and in the game press Ctrl+Spacebar. Now type CLUAConsole:CreateItem("MISC8Z") in the text field at the bottom of the screen (the command is case sensitive), and press enter. The crystal should now be in your inventory.
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David Coath
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Post by David Coath »

Dear Numinor and Filleteles

Numinor thanks for the tip about the downloads. I will give this a go.

I always felt it was a software thing rather than an inventory full as the item vanished and was not on the ground

Well done Game Banshee. I must say I would be lost without the help that this site and now its memebers give

Enjoy your gaming

David and Alex :cool: :)
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boo's daddy
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Post by boo's daddy »

Ahaaaa! I was wondering what was going on. I just lost a (full) scroll case and, first time round, the Girdle of Frost Giant Strength! I'd thought I was either being careless or there was a pickpocketing NPC on the prowl. (Which, if I'd been designing the game, I would've put in to counteract over-acquisitive PCs)

At last: a justification for CLUAing those items... (now, what's the code for adamantite pantaloons...)
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Post by Stilgar »

Sometimes when you panic you will drop items.
I think that's why you lost your girdle.
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Post by Aqua-chan »

Originally posted by Stilgar
Sometimes when you panic you will drop items.
I think that's why you lost your girdle.

Really? Hell, so THAT's why I keep finding my random equipment on the ground. :p

That clears up a lot. Thanks. :D
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boo's daddy
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Post by boo's daddy »

Hmm. Must remember to scour the area after a bout of pants pebble-dashing. Thanks.
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