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Your opinion of Aerie

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 9:16 am
by Shin Jaon
As much as a fighter goes, she sucks, but her casting abilities aren't bad. The reason I'm asking is that I have Aerie, Minsc, my NPC (undead hunter), Anomen, and Yoshimo. I love Paladins, and Minsc is just great to have for a front line and I love Yoshimo for his thieving and traps, I just don't know about Aerie. I want to Edwin But I want to keep a high reputation. Who do you suggest as a mage for my party? I was thinking of Nalia. So if anyone can help me out, I'd appreciate it.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 9:39 am
by fable
Any of 'em will do perfectly well: there is no "best" party. If you're out to powerplay the game, you might as well just read one of the strategy guides and copy every choice and action it suggests. ;)

As for Aerie, she starts slow, but by the time you reach ToB she's a powerhouse. Remember, she's the only party NPC who can cast both clerical and mage spells. This means she'll be the only party member that can prepare trigger spells which include clerical spells. Think, too, of a multiplied Aerie on higher levels, two or four of whom cast anti-undead spells simultaneously.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 10:42 am
by Sytze
Indeed, while Aerie tends to be a bit weak in the beginning, she will be incredible usefull when you reach higher levels.

Putting both cleric and mage spells (like fable suggested) in spell triggers or sequencers can really wreck havoc on an enemy.

Plus, when you give her decent equipment she can even be a powerfull fighter with the right spells.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 11:05 am
by davfra
I have Aerie in my party. She has the girdle of fortitude and the flail of ages. She`s capable of holding her own in the front line as a fighter. Added to this, she has great potential with magic.
She`s a must for her fighting and especially for her magic. Put the two together and she is some character.
I do wish she`d stop saying `oh my!` when she kills someone.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 4:02 pm
by FilipeTeles
I don't like to play with party but I like Aerie and Edwin,also in my opinion they are a lot powerful...

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 8:49 pm
by Idioteque
Originally posted by Shin Jaon
As much as a fighter goes, she sucks, but her casting abilities aren't bad. The reason I'm asking is that I have Aerie, Minsc, my NPC (undead hunter), Anomen, and Yoshimo. I love Paladins, and Minsc is just great to have for a front line and I love Yoshimo for his thieving and traps, I just don't know about Aerie. I want to Edwin But I want to keep a high reputation. Who do you suggest as a mage for my party? I was thinking of Nalia. So if anyone can help me out, I'd appreciate it.

Minor Spoiler

In case you don't know in BG1 Edwin wants to kill Dynaheir, Minsc's witch. So if you want to have them both in your party don't expect them to get along. :D

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 12:44 am
by Elemental ZOOT
I think Aerie is pretty useless. Only in TOB is she any use.
Normally people have a party which i think sucks but sorry if i offend. SOme parties consist of
Anomen. or Aerie
That party has ONLY 1 good person- Jaheira but Anomen is so-so

Now my party is well balanced
P.C-Sometimes Barbarian DWARF
Jaheira or OTHERWISE Sir Anomen

It has 2 fighters,1 cleric,2 mages,1 druid,1 thief.
No need for that whining elf again.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 1:09 am
by UserUnfriendly
chain contingency implosions...kills most dragons, since implosion ignores magic resistance...does fire and blunt damage...

chain sunray...makes daystar look whimpy...

spell trigger bolts of glory...once again ignores magic resistance, kills most demons instantly...

chain a storm of vengence, summon deva, and false dawn...blinds undead, summons a killer fodder, and disrupts all spell casters for 3 rounds...

plus, the sheer number of spells makes her a better spellcaster than eddy... :p

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 7:26 am
by fable
Originally posted by Elemental ZOOT
I think Aerie is pretty useless. Only in TOB is she any use.

You're thinking of powerplaying. Where's the challenge in that, especially after the first time, through? I'd rather take on some "disadvantaged" characters in SoA. And by the time you reach ToB, where arguably the opposition is somewhat stronger (much stronger if you try some of the mods), Aerie has the firepower to be of real service. Just my POV. :)

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 7:36 am
by Numinor
Elemental ZOOT I don't mean to offend you but that's your personal opinion. IMO you party is not "well balanced", it's simply the most powerful NPCs (without Mods factored in) Edwin, Korgan, Viconia (best mage, best fighter, best cleric) and Jaheira (who I don't think is that good) thrown together, a thief added in and voilĂ  - you have a easy game.
You should try a more "weak" party, I once played with Haer'Dalis, Aerie and Cernd in the party, it was not easy at times, but it was a lot of fun ;)

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 8:30 am
by fable
Originally posted by Numinor
You should try a more "weak" party, I once played with Haer'Dalis, Aerie and Cernd in the party, it was not easy at times, but it was a lot of fun ;)

Good one! And make Nalia your lead mage/thief. :D Crank it up to the "hard" level, and you have some nice challenges going, provided you can avoid the lure of UU's cheese tactics.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 6:59 pm
by FilipeTeles
My party is better elemental ZOOT:
me-pure mage
me-monk(really boring)
I have a very good party
me-kensai/mage celestyal fury-a katana for fighter mage don't remember the name
korgan-dual wield cromfayer and frost reaver
edwin-staff of the magi
jan-hummm his stuff......
and a EVIL party,1 reputation,I have killed lots of aminish soldier very fun:
the old figher,mage,thief,cleric party....

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 10:38 pm
by dragon wench
No party is better or worse than any other, it is all about personal style and enjoyment ;)

Regarding Aerie, put simply, once you supply her with some decent equipment she seriously rocks. Bear in mind that if you give her the Robe of Vecna, all of those trigger and chain spells (including the clerical ones) will be equally speeded up. :cool:

Okay, she can be a bit annoying on occasion, but IMO she is not nearly as irritating as Nalia...

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 10:46 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Originally posted by fable
Good one! And make Nalia your lead mage/thief. :D Crank it up to the "hard" level, and you have some nice challenges going, provided you can avoid the lure of UU's cheese tactics.

Luke, you have no idea of the power of the dark side...

actually nally is a very powerful and power packed npc....her ring gives her a hefty bonus for fire resistance..enhance with robes of fire resistance, and a ring of fire resistance, and she is way over 100% resistant to fire...memorize fireball, flame arrow, and aggie scorcher, and use them indiscriminately... a lot of soot and ash later, all your enemies are toast... :p :p :p

temped now to play...


:p :p :p

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 11:37 pm
by Elemental ZOOT
flippe teles
You're exactly like me
i have 1 rep at the moment. My guys r nearly at their maximum level. At times i raise it up to 9 when i want 2 buy something

But i have now an Elf Assassin
Sir Anomen

But when i plan 2 have 1 rep i get rid of Anomen and Nalia.

My stats 4 my assassin
18 str
19 Dex
16 Con
12 int
17 wis
13 chr

Dual wield and Single weild
Celestial Fury
Shadow armour
more stuff but ill say later

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 11:18 am
by Shin Jaon
I was in the Windspear Hills, on my 3rd try at SOA, when that happened Idioteque. And my personal opinion is the Jaheira is very good, She stands for a good frontliner with clerical spells. I'm experimenting and am using Edwin right now. I'm considering switching back, but it's all about trial and error. I'll stick with him, see how he works out.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 1:11 pm
by UserUnfriendly
jahiera imho is the most powerful fighter in the game...

including saravok, korgan, minsc and keldorn...

armor of faith+hardiness...50% immune to weapons...

globe of blades+aura of flaming death...improve haste, and the globe does double damage...

regenerate makes her unkillable...

ironskin on top of armor...ironskin is unbreachable..

now here is a fun trick i haven't experimented personally with...prebuff her, and cast insect swarm on to the enemy, on improved haste, and the swarm should transfer to the enemy...

used properly, she is the ultimate killing npc... :p

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 4:12 pm
by Elemental ZOOT
pretty nice user unfriendly.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 5:54 pm
by fable
@UU, will the Swarm transfer when the foe is unswarmable?

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 6:06 pm
by Shin Jaon
I achieved the Nether scroll from the Lich, and it doesn't appear in my packs, bug? If not what does he learn to do with it? Edwin i speak, of. And yes I'm asking for spoilers.