Name: Alastor
Elf, Rogue, Level 5
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Patron God: Lliira
Str 8 - 8
Dex 18 (16 pts) - 20- 22 (magic)
Con 14 (6 pts) - 12
Int 12 (4 pts) - 12
Wis 8 - 8
Cha 14 (6 pts) - 14
Hit Points 18
AC 19,
Touch 16,
Flat 13 (19, uncanny dodge)
Init +5
BAB +3,
Grap +2 (?)
Speed 30 (base 30, load)
Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +0
+10 Melee, Quickstrike (+1 rapier), D6 (+3D6 SA), 18-20
+9 Melee, Assortement of daggers, saps and suchlike
+5 Melee, Bladed Boots, d4 (+3d6 SA), 19-20
+9 Ranged, Longbow, D8-1, 19-20, range 100ft
+9 Ranged, Assortement of darts, daggers and suchlike
+5 Ranged, Assortement of nonproficient weapons such as Springloaded gauntlets
Size: Medium, 5‘ 6" tall, 90 Lbs, 120 yrs old
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Skin: White
Speaks: Common, Elven, Sylvan
Tumble +14 (8 ranks, 6 dex)
Perform +10 (8 ranks, 2 cha)
Bluff +10 (8 ranks, 2 cha)
Sleight of Hand +16 (8 ranks, 6 dex, 2 synergy)
Hide +16 (8 ranks, 6 dex, 2 synergy)
Move Silently (8 ranks, 6 dex, 2 synergy)
Search +11 (8 ranks, 1 int, 2 racial)
Spot +9 (8 ranks, -1 wis, 2 racial)
Listen +9 (8 ranks, -1 wis, 2 racial)
Feats: Finesse, Quicker than the Eye
Class Abilities:
Sneak Attack 3D6
Trap sense +1
Uncanny dodge 1
Racial Abilities:
+2 Dex -2 Con (included in stats)
Immune to sleep magic, +2 save enchantments
Prof Longsword, Rapier, Longbow, Shortbow
+2 listen, spot, search, automatic search for secret doors
Spells: none
Familiar/Special Mount/Animal companion: none
History: A group of wandering musicians found him as a baby near the remains of a caravan and took him as their own. He spent his first thirty years as the son of the whole group and showed great skills as a bard, but he preferred to play and display his "magic" tricks (nothing magical though, just card tricks and suchlike). All was well for a while, but then the group's, luck began to fall and when the debts began piling up the group made a hastily departure. The local loanshark did not appreciate this and sent a couple of mercenaries their way. Alastor was getting some supplies when they were attacked and was the only survivor, he followed the mercenaries in the shadows and they led him to the loanshark. He waited and attacked the moneylender when he was sleeping in his house, killing him.
Alastor fled the town and after a while a small adventuring party took care of him and showed him some of the wonders of the world and Alastor became a master in the arts hiding and staying out of danger while his adoptive parents were battling. After a while he got bored with staying behind and left the party in Baldur's Gate. He got accustomed with city life and liked the sights and sounds of the city, but when he reached the age of 70 he again got bored with his surroundings and began travelling from town to town, treasuring the contrast between the active citylife and the beauty and wonder of the world.
Personality: Alastor treasures friendship, but is a bit afraid of committing. He likes variance and will often change his ways, attire and appearance.
He does not bare hate and grudges but serious relationships seldom last long. He prefers the company of humans over elves, as the elves are too much set in their ways, but loves being with halfelves, as they have best of both worlds.
He makes friends easily but has the tendency to move on after some time, but he never ever forgets his old friends and pays them a visit once in a while.
He loves life on the road, and has an eye for interesting sights. It will take a lot for him to settle down for longer than a couple of months.
Appearance: He dresses in loose greenish travelling clothes and wears a leather armour, his rapier Quickstrike is sheathed in a ceremonial scabbard and on his belt are a dagger and a handcrossbow. Aside from them he seems unarmed, even unpacked, but his Bag of Holding contains most of his stuff, the rest is concealed on his person.
With his green eyes, blonde hair and fairly great height for an elf he is a striking figure and is very easygoing.
Gear: most of it is in the BOH
Quickstrike, sheathed -2350 gp (a gift from the adventurers he stayed with for a while)
Dagger, sheathed
Dual Springloaded Gauntlet, concealed under clothing
Dual Bladed Boots, concealed in well... the boots
Dual Daggers, sheathed on the shins
Longbow, sheathed
Handcrossbow, sheathed
Sap, in Bag of Holding
Dagger, in sheath in Bag of Holding
Short Sword, in sheath in Bag of Holding
SAG (Standard Adventuring Gear), in Bag of Holding -estimated 20 gp
Bag of Holding -2500 gp
Leather Armour +1 -1125 gp
Evergleam (ring +1 Dex) 1000 gp (the only thing Alastor has left of his original parents, this ring was found in with him)
Estimated cost mundane weaponry: 300 gp
Trail Rations 20 (in BOH)
Mw thief tools
Gp: 1605 (50 in wallet, on chain, rest in BOH, on chain too)
I put my level 4 ability point in dex instead of int and made evergleam +1 dex instead of +2 and adjusted the cost of the SAG.