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What are good stats

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 9:24 am
by Stilgar
I'm not realy familiar with the rules on KOTOR, and i was wondering.
What is for example a good AC? When i walk around with 20AC is this enough or is this rather low? And what about attack can i decide to dualwield and drop to 15 or should i keep it higher?

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 4:29 pm
by Astafas
It would depend on where you are in the game: an AC of 20 will take a couple of hours to get, but halfway through the game you have hopefully around 25 without any armor (using Jedi Robe).

As for dual wielding, it's the same rules as in BG2 or IWD2: don't dual wield if you haven't spent points/feats in it, as you will get a penalty which doesn't make it worthwhile.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 10:04 am
by Psycho
For non jedi, wearing fully upgraded armour should have a Defence of between 20 - 25. Anywhere between this is a solid number.

+15 for 2 attacks is good if you consider the above. On an average roll you're going to get a 25. Which is a hit, so it's all good.

I'm running with +15/+16 at the moment and I'm not missing much.

The extra +2 makes very little difference im my experience.