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Revan question. (SPOILERS BEWARE)

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 8:52 am
by Polarism
I don't quite understand this plot twist in the story. It really makes no sense if you think back upon everything that had happened up to that point of finding out (Do not say anything beyond that point as I haven't gone further).

I mean if you really are Revan then 90% of the game to that point makes no sense. I can somewhat see where they brainwashed you perhaps onboard the ship before you awoke to the attack and such but.. beyond that nothing really fits. The way everyone talks to you, especially Bastilla and the love saga.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 10:04 am
by Armisael
Aside from Bastila and the Jedi council, nobody knew. The council will drop about half a dozen big hints throughout the proceedings on Dantooine - much more noticable if you're looking for them - and as for Bastila, what, were you expecting her to just blurt out that you're Revan? She knew why the council had you reprogrammed; it was in the hope that you'd locate the Star Forge for them. In the beginning she is unwilling, but goes along because of the council's will. Later on she confesses her interest in your salient power. If you'd played it through to the end you'd already know that she'd been attracted to the dark side from the very beginning, so nothing that occurs comes as any great surprise to me. Sorry if that counts as a spoiler, but you really should complete the game before coming here and criticising the plot.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 10:27 am
by Polarism
My point is that it doesn't flow.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 10:28 am
by Armisael
Pardon? Give more specific examples.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 1:50 pm
by Polarism
Perhaps it's best I play through to the end first as you said.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 2:56 pm
by Darth Evo
playing to the end is a good idea..
it may clear some things up..

>_< thou it still confused meh...!

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 9:26 pm
by The_Saint
I beat the game the other day without help from walkthroughs, and now I'm playing it through again so that I can catch quests and items that I didn't know about last time. This time around, because I'm watching for them, I'm catching all kinds of inuendoes that don't go so far as to say that you are Revan but make it believeable. Such as one of the Jedi Masters (I forget his name at the moment) suggesting that if they accept you for training you might stray down an "all too familiar path." There is also Juhani speaking of how much you remind her of this really cool Jedi that she met on his/her (depending what sex your character is) way to the Mandalorian Wars. Once you beat the game, play it again. To me it's a bit cooler the second time around.