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Game crash help*bioware hasn't helped*

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 7:48 pm
by Spazmainia13
I played through the first time great untill i got to the leviathan(i don't know if that could be considered a spoiler). The game would crash at a certain part, that was untill i installed the 1.01 patch. Then everything worked just great.

Now i'm trying to play through a second time and getting random crashes and all those other wonderful things. Those however are not the main problem. My problem is......

When I load a certain game the load screen goes about half way done, then the cursor pops up followed by the main screen music, and then it freezes. I have given up on that game so i started again. But now while trying to go down to the lowercity on Taris, the game will attempt to autosave. Funny thing is it does the same thing as when i tried to load my long forgotten game with the stopping and then music and such.

It seems that my problems are triigered after visiting the undercity.

does ANYONE have a solution?


Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 8:09 pm
by idvah
You could reinstall the game, or even update your video card drivers.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 8:10 pm
by Spazmainia13
I've done both of those

but thx still

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 10:35 pm
by Adm. Pellaeon
Make sure that most of your "background" programs (AIM, MSN/WM, NAV, etc.) are disabled or terminated, and that you aren't running any other "foreground" programs (Internet Explorer, Word/WordPerfect, etc.) at the same time as KOTOR. Also, crank your graphical settings down to the minimum specs in-game. I had a crash-to-desktop error every time it wanted to play a cut-scene (the Bastila dreams) on Taris. I figured it out that my computer didn't want to play with all the settings at maximum.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 10:50 pm
by Spazmainia13
I usually do that

but i'll try and throw down the specs and see if it works
