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Debate Class

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 1:34 am
by maverick8088
OK, I just completed the game for the 9th time, and each time I did a different class combo. Here's my opinions:
  • Soldier/Guardian - excellent fighter but I felt like I needed to bring 5 or 6 in my party to get everything done
  • Soldier/Sentinel - My least favorite, no skills, no force jump(i love that), not enough powers to make up for it
  • Soldier/Consular - Very powerful Character, had lots of fun. good melee, great force ability still missing the skills though
  • Scout/Guardian - My all time favorite, Free implants good balance of feats,skills and powers, had the most fun and kicked the most butt(did I mention I love the Force Jump?)
  • Scout/Sentinel - one of my least favorite, had a hard time doing anything, couldn't fight, no scoundrel sneak attack, few feats, hated it, almost quit the character
  • Scout/Consular - Good Character, I don't like relying on Force powers so much though, too unreliable and dont help at all with Malak
  • Scoundrel/Guardian - WOW what fun! Stasis or Force wave then sneak attack and Kick a**
  • Scoundrel/Sentinel - I just couldn't find anything about this combo I liked. Weak in all the areas I play to
  • Scoundrel/Consular - A lot of people like this one and its good though 99% of the game...Except Malak

To sum it all up, the best to me is the Scout/Guardian. The free implants more than make up for the lost feats, and the extra skills mean you don't need to rely as heavily on others and you can bring more strength out with you in your party. Guardian gives you force jump and also an extra level up in saber proficiency, making you hit harder.

The soldiers are excellent fighters but are a pain to get anything done with besides that.

And the Scoundrel's sneak attack makes it a good fighter, but is simply too frail for my tastes.

I guess I tend toward an Independently-minded, strong fighter, who is useful to have around and can accomplish a lot by himself. Seems fitting for a Maverick, doesn't it?

Just my opinion..... let's hear yours

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 1:44 am
by Armisael
Scout/Guardian's my favourite as well. I like having decent skills, I use HK-47 a lot and flurry is generally my attack of choice. I use conventional attacks over offensive force powers. The scout's high natural saves mean I don't have to put feats into conditioning if I don't want to, and I can slip on a nerve enhancement package for free mind-affecting immunity. It's not a class combo that looks especially outstanding on paper, but it's nice and balanced and works well for me.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 4:14 am
by blake
soldier/guardian is the best, good armor in the beginning for duels and force jump as a jedi, also constant feat upgrades unlike the scoundrel, my first choice. Scoundrels give you barely enough feats for the necessities i.e. armor and implants. sentinels suck, there mothers were army boots, stupid sentinals.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 8:09 am
by Migromul
Did anybody save level-ups? At the first time I played as a scout-consular and saved my level-ups at scout-level 5, as I realized that I can only level up 'til 20. (Almost neutral with tendency to the light side. More dark-powers, however...)

The second time, I saved as much level-ups as I could and played also as a scout-consular. This time as dark as possible, however (I love mages or mage-like characters in rpgs...; had almost 400 Force-Points at level 20...)

At the moment I play as a soldier-guardian, but I have a hard time persuading NPCs, cause this time I play as light as possible. And force-persuading often gives dsp...

As a future-character I will try a light level 4-scoundrel-consular...

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 10:19 am
by drivendriver
I've played the game twice: as soldier/sentinel the firt time, and as scout/sentinel the second time.

As a soldier/sentinel, I wasted some feats on ranged weapons and dueling, and ended up with a character that was too weak in melee combat.

With a little more experience in feat selection, scout/sentinel worked very well for me. I ended up with a well rounded, almost self-sufficient character with no major flaw. I built up fairly strong computer skills (especially when boosted by the Advanced Agent Interface) that allowed me to save lots of spikes throughout the game without switching characters, and that proved very handy in two places on the Starforge.

I didn't have any major problem in combat. I maxed out the two-weapon tree and the flurry tree. I used the Heart of the Guardian in the right hand, and the Mantle of the Force in the off-hand. I also used either the Dominator gloves (for the strength bonus) or the Advanced Stabilizer Gloves (for the dex bonus). The implant that gave a +4 constitution bonus (can't remember the name) was a big help. I never used armor on my main character after I got the Qel Droma robes. When I used armor, I used the light exo-skeleton sold by Suvam (fully upgraded, I find that it offers the best protection/dexterity compromise).

Most of the time, I used Juhani and Jolee. Jolee's low vitality can be a problem on the Star Forge, but it's not too bad, and he more than makes up for it with his force points.

Concerning force powers, Force Persuade is probably more useful for DS characters than for LS characters. Too often, using this power gives you DS points for no apparent good reason.

In addition to adv. lightsaber throw, there are a few powers that I find moderately useful against Malak (Heal, Force Immunity and Wave), but they're definitely not required to defeat him.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 12:58 pm
by Pyschotic-Cat
I've always found the game easiest on soldier/guardian. But you are right in saying you have to have a bunch of characters to get everything done. My character is usually strong enough to substitute mission for carth, that takes care of most everything and also makes the game a little less easy. I always start at the beginning and get to about the jedi stage before I think I would like to play a different character. I've beaten the game four times but I've probably beaten taris 50. How long does it take you to beat taris? I think it's three hours for me. (sorry for the off subject a bit)

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 2:38 am
by maverick8088
How long does it take you to beat taris? I think it's three hours for me.

I think its about that for me as well. i know the last time I saved after taris ( as opposed to the autosave) I had just built my first saber at 4hrs and some change
Did anybody save level-ups? At the first time I played as a scout-consular and saved my level-ups at scout-level 5, as I realized that I can only level up 'til 20.

I did not mostly because I didn't think of it until it became an ingrained habit to go up each time and don't like giving up the free Implant for a scout (you lose it if you aren't level8 when you become jedi)

I did forget to mention that I don't have the PC version so some items that have been mentioned are unavailable to me

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:38 pm
by ToTaylor
mav., with soldier/guardian, what do you mean its hard to get anything done. I dont understand. Next point-You hate sentinels, don't you.?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 1:05 pm
by Xandax
Originally posted by drivendriver
Concerning force powers, Force Persuade is probably more useful for DS characters than for LS characters. Too often, using this power gives you DS points for no apparent good reason.

Using the force to persuade "civilians" to give up something is not the way of the Light :cool:

Force persuade can be good when dealing with evil minded people to get them to do something good. But most of the time, it just seems as a tool to get more reward or save money - and in that case - of couse it is darksided :)

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 2:03 pm
by Badseed
I like my Soldier/Guardians. Before I became a Jedi, my Soldier had Specialized in Rifles, Blasters. But then I switched to a Double-Bladed LS. (This is the first SW game I have played since Phatom Menace and Darth Maul was so cool) Anyways, never had a problem with security. (Is that skill even necessary?) I just bashed everything. I tried playing other classes, but I am so quick to pull out the lightsaber, I get beatdown when playing Scoundrels, hehe.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 8:17 pm
by Armisael
Originally posted by Xandax
Using the force to persuade "civilians" to give up something is not the way of the Light :cool:

How 'bout the Sunry case? You use it on Firith Me to get him to tell the truth of the matter and get a DSP. Dumb. Particularly considering you can use it to avoid all those docking fees with no penalty whatsoever.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 12:26 am
by maverick8088
mav., with soldier/guardian, what do you mean its hard to get anything done. I dont understand. Next point-You hate sentinels, don't you.?

What I meant was that w/ soldier/ guardians you have an excellent fighter...and not much else. You only get 1 skill point per level up unless your Intell is @ 14 (which only gives you 2 total) That means to hack a computer, pickup a mine(a great way to get cash), persuade anybody,repair a droid, or pick a lock, you need to bring along a weaker (fighting) character to do it for you. I didn't like switching out all that much, and in some places you can't i.e.sith bases @ manaan & Taris, and Sith Acadamy on Korriban. I prefer having someone who is a decent fighter but can do many of these things himself, if the situation calls for it. This is not to say that I don't use T3 or Mission, but I prefer to have the choice.

And yes I have a great dislike for sentinels. Not enough force powers to make them real good backup, not enough feats to make good melee. I didn't really like characters that relied on FP anyway. It's too unreliable and you run out of mana too fast.

I probably am just not using them right, but thats what this is about, right? Playing tendencies and how you approach a character.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 7:19 am
by Noushin
Debate class (may have spoiler info)

I have only played the game once and won (light side). I started with a soldier and ended with Sentinel level12/Soldier 8. I only just recently found out about saving level-ups until the jedi academy. I may try that next time.

I did something that may be considered a little unorthodox, however, I did not use jedi robes of any kind, but chose to keep my armor. In fact leveling-up to get heavy armor. I was able to use Calo Nord's Battle Armor throughout the game, and it served very well with it's upgradeability and special add-ons. I gave the Master Robes I found to my other jedis.

I leveled up Feats to Master 2weapon fighting, Heavy Armor proficiency, Master Empathy (for healing), and Master Power Attack.

I equipped my character with:
1. 2 lightsabres -
[righthand: (damage to hit ratio=11-32/+29)lightsabre - violet, bondar crystal, upari crystal]
[off hand: (damage to hit ratio= 13-23/+29) shortsabre - violet, bondar crystal, solari crystal]
2. A Sith Mask - Heavy Armor; Mind-affecting Immunity; Bonus Feat weapon; Focus Lightsabre; 1 Force Point Regeneration
3. GenoHaradan Power Gloves - +4 Strength
4. Calo Nord's Battle Armor - Upgradeable Heavy Armor

During quests, I maximized each character in my party by their initial talents, so I could utilize their skills and focus on mastering the battle skills and defense for my character. In Battle, what I lacked in force/vitality points I more than made up for with life support packs and grenades. :p

Once I recover from the drain of playing for +100hours (not in a row), I may play with the level ups to see what I get.

Noushin Luna

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 7:18 am
by Badseed
Minor spoiler (possibly)
I also went to the last area with Heavy Armor. (Calo's Armor) But I switched to a Master Jedi Robe just for the Star Forge. I went with Jolee and the Cat lady. Pretty cool wading through the area with 3 Jedi. (IMHO Jolee is a wuss, but he never seemed to run out of force points, which helped.) As a Guardian jumping turret to turret was *voice of Mr. Burns* excellent.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 9:51 am
by fable
I forget what I chose in my Xbox run-through, but for the PC one, I had a soldier/consular. His variety was great, and I never missed the skill points--I just concentrated what little I received on persuasion and treat injury. The rest of my crew made up for it.

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 4:36 pm
by Emancipator
Preferred Classes
I had a soldier/consular. His variety was great, and I never missed the skill points--I just concentrated what little I received on persuasion and treat injury. The rest of my crew made up for it.

This is the path I would take 8 times out of 10, the combat system in KotOR favours melee over ranged fighting.

The feats you get as a soldier make up for the lack of them with the Consular, while the number of force powers as Consular complements the skills of the Soldier. (Don't you just love using "Force Wave" and then smacking them silly while they're stunned?)

Also, if you upgrade all the Jedi to have Heal (Lvl 2) then you will find that you don't even need Medpacs! Sell them! Get money for Weapons!