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Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 3:23 pm
by Locke Da'averan
I don't think i've ever been more depressed as I am now.
We were celebrating the new year in a ski-resort like of place, and everything was pretty much perfect. I met my gf for the longest time(i work 1000km's away) + plus my best friend ever+his gf and some other ppl(close friends).
then as we were starting our third day of drinking, my best friend's mobile starts ringing... His father had died early in the morning
... Everyone goes pretty much to a shock as he tells us... I hated seeing him in such pain, I wanted to say or do smth that would make him feel better but there wasn't anything to say.
Tomorrow i have to go back to work and i don't know when i'll see everyone back home again, i miss my gf already and vice versa...
I don't want hugs or the cheer ups, just felt i had to tell this to someone, without actually letting anyone know, if you know what i mean...
Did anyone else had a promising new year that turned out to be not so good???
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 3:26 pm
by Dark Ace4
i feel your pain
Sounds really tough
hope every thing works out for u
why r u putting this on a gaming sit e anyway?
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 3:32 pm
by Locke Da'averan
It's not just a gaming site... it's GB's SYM, where you can talk about everything, anytime..
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 3:46 pm
by Xandax
Re: i feel your pain
Originally posted by Dark Ace4
Sounds really tough
hope every thing works out for u
why r u putting this on a gaming sit e anyway?
SYM is for stuff about everything. We have a community that extends futher then the games we play, so people use it to share, to seek advice, to chit chat etc.
As long as you abide the rules - all things are "green light" in SYM (Speak Your Mind).
Sorry to hear about it Locke, hope things cheer up for you soon.
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 3:52 pm
by Dark Ace4
my apologies...
that's pretty cool
i really like this site
it has access to 10 000 like minded people, some awesome gaming tips and the forums rock. its good to have a place where the nerds of society can speak their minds and find their kin. not that i'm a nerd. youre also not a nerd. noen of us are nerds .... i'll just shutup now...
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 3:59 pm
by dragon wench
I have been in a situation like this in 97/98 when my mother died the day after Boxing Day. So I know well what it is like to bring in the New Year within the wake of pain.
It is always hard to know what to say in situations like this. But often just knowing others can identify with your hurt helps.
Take care and hang in there.
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 4:37 pm
by fable
Too bad, @Locke. I'm sorry to hear that. You and your friends have my sympathies.
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 4:58 pm
by Xandax
Re: my apologies...
Originally posted by Dark Ace4
that's pretty cool
i really like this site
it has access to 10 000 like minded people, some awesome gaming tips and the forums rock. its good to have a place where the nerds of society can speak their minds and find their kin. not that i'm a nerd. youre also not a nerd. noen of us are nerds .... i'll just shutup now...
Well - welcome to Gamebanshee (GB) - hope you will like it here for a while to come, and don't worry - many of us knows that we are nerds
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 11:00 pm
by Scayde
@ Locke:...That is really heart breaking...
I wish I knew something to say that could possibly make it better, unfortunately, words fall short.
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 9:55 am
by Luis Antonio
I was kinda depressed till the new year night...
Lost my fiancée, lost a child, lost my perfect job... 2003 has not been kind with me, i've even tried suicide in my birthday.
But believe me: Life is glorious. You must struggle to survive, you must do, you have a mission, something to do, that is not about god, religion or anything, but you just cant die, you must go, that's why I'm alive right now.
There is time for EVERY purpose under the sun, there is hope for anything you really wish as long as you wish it and nothing is impossible.
So pick up your sword, raise your shield, place your helmet on, close the holes on your armor and fight your way ahead: Life is glorious, just don't let yourself fall apart.
A word of advice: FRIENDS. You have them, you're happy, so keep em close, and never hide a smile...
Good luck!
P.S.> In jan 1st I've found another reason to live... except for myself. So, there is always something out there, and you'll find it. Be sure.
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 11:17 am
by Scayde
Sounds like you are a very resilient person. I am glad to hear you pulled through such tremendous loss and remain in a good place in spite of it all. *HUG*
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 3:53 pm
by Taco Magus
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 5:28 pm
by CM
Luis you have my respect. For a man to go through all that and still say the words you do, takes courage beyond what many would deem humanly possible. You deserve every bit of happiness you got. Here is to a great 2004 for you. May god if you believe or dont, grant you a better life.
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 5:59 pm
by corsair
Some of my friends and I got pretty crazy with bottle rockets and I took one in the chest. Ruined my shirt but Im ok. Sorry to hear bout the other bad news. Hope something brightens your life. Oh yeah, dont ever light a bottle rocket and throw it in the air, it might come back and hit you.
Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 10:10 am
by Luis Antonio
What is worth of my own experience if I do not share it??? Why will I let people suffer whitout guidance???
I searched for an inner strenght of some sort... Not easy to find it, but everyone has, some more, some less, but it is always present.
For people with Depression, knowledge may be the best weapon for a renaissance. So, reading bout depression is first measure to identify its comings and goings, for it will acompany most of people along all life. Try Andrew Solomon's A Noonday Demon, it is pretty insightfull and describes depression from head to tail, it is a very goood book indeed.
Friend suport is cool as well - try contact with other depressed people - they know how you feel, they've been and are through it every time they look at the mirror. My best friend right now is a bipolar person - he comes from depression to mania in a few hours, that's pretty weird and confusing - just how I felt at the beggining.
If you want to discuss it further and outside this forum, feel free to contact me through Personal messages... And I would love to see more people adding theyr experiences on this thread, for it is a really good way to show what happens for a mass of people...
Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 1:18 pm
by corsair
I used to be a really depressive person. I thought about suicide ALL the time. I think the only thing that got me through it was a couple of good friends. Whatever you do to deal w/your depression, suicide is never the answer. I even had thoughts about taking other people. The way I got rid of my depression was through my personal experience w/God. Mostly, my depression was caused by my parents divorce. It still bothers me from time to time, but not that much anymore. Also, I used to be really self-concissous and I got made fun of all the time which made me hate myself. I dont care what other ppl think about me now.
Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 5:06 pm
by Luis Antonio
Depression comes and goes... Goes and comes... sometimes worst, sometimes better... it is the worst of demons, and is summoned when we are not expecting... it is really cripling, but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 9:26 pm
by Krusader
2001 New Year. An argument with my father ended up in a familiar ruckus. I nearly hit my father dat nite.
I'm not superstitious, but the whole year was hellish for me: car accident in february, constant discussions with my ex-gf all thru the year until we finally broke up in september, amid more small bad things that happened.
Wish I could erase 2001 from my life the same way I zero wipe a hard drive.
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 7:55 am
by Luis Antonio
Sometimes we want to erase everything, but Krusader, dont you agree that those difficult times have been crucial for your development later?
I'll burn 2003 for sure... but it has been a school, and AFAIK knowledge is everything... 'Wisdom is only possesed by the learned'