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tactics question (SPOILER!)
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 4:08 pm
by Mr.Waesel
When I'm beginning combat with Mae'var, I get the message "you must continue" or something like that, and when I go up the stairs, some rogues come and kill me in one hit. fair enough. HOWEVER: After I have killed Mae'var and his goons and I go up the stairs, I STILL get those rogues after me. What gives?

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 5:20 pm
by Galmar
If you cut off the head, the body will fall... unless the body has its own head... in which case you must cut off many heads for bodies to fall.
Many bodies... many heads.
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 11:14 pm
by nephtu
I'm assuming you're playing Improved Mae'var (sounds that way), as memory tells me you can exit in the vanilla game. I suspect what's getting you is the assasins - there are, I think 4 of them, and they will track YOU down , even if you're invisible (thopugh if you STAY invisible, they won't attack you).
This can be exploited with a bit of preparation, of course. The game just prevents you leaving untill Mae'var is dead. Once he is dead, it's possible the assasins are following you out. There's a similar effect in the improved guarded compound. (A cool fight, IMAO)
Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 1:30 pm
by Mr.Waesel
Re: Hmmm...
Originally posted by nephtu
I'm assuming you're playing Improved Mae'var (sounds that way), as memory tells me you can exit in the vanilla game. I suspect what's getting you is the assasins - there are, I think 4 of them, and they will track YOU down , even if you're invisible (thopugh if you STAY invisible, they won't attack you).
This can be exploited with a bit of preparation, of course. The game just prevents you leaving untill Mae'var is dead. Once he is dead, it's possible the assasins are following you out. There's a similar effect in the improved guarded compound. (A cool fight, IMAO)
Yep, I'm playing Improved. I've killed all of the "assassins" as they are called, and when I go up the stairs, I get something called "Arkanis Gath" after me, wich kills me in one hit, no backstabbing, and through stoneskin. This guy even appears if I have killed Mae'var and his goons.
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 4:31 am
by VonDondu
I suspected that Arkanis Gath was causing your problem, and now you have confirmed it.
The game designers don't want you to attack any Shadow Thieves unless you're working for Renal Bloodscalp or Bodhi, so they created Arkanis Gath to kill you instantly if you inadvertently (or deliberately) do something that might mess up the game. If you agreed to kill Maevar, then killing him should not have triggered an appearance by Arkanis Gath. By the same token, if you had sided with Bodhi and started Chapter Three, you wouldn't be penalized for killing any of the Shadow Thieves (although every one of them you met would be hostile). If you do something that makes the game create an appearance by Arkanis Gath, you can't evade him; even if you try to trick the game, he will respawn until you're dead. Basically, you're stuck in a "game over" situation, since he is after you now.
The question is, why is Arkanis Gath attacking you? Or in other words, which Shadow Thief did you attack that should not have been attacked? Maybe you didn't do anything wrong at all and Arkanis Gath is appearing because of a bug. Maybe it has something to do with the Improved Maevar MOD.
At this point, I don't know how to solve your proble, so I suggest that you reload a recent saved game. Good luck!
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 6:14 am
by Mr.Waesel
Originally posted by VonDondu
I suspected that Arkanis Gath was causing your problem, and now you have confirmed it.
The game designers don't want you to attack any Shadow Thieves unless you're working for Renal Bloodscalp or Bodhi, so they created Arkanis Gath to kill you instantly if you inadvertently (or deliberately) do something that might mess up the game. If you agreed to kill Maevar, then killing him should not have triggered an appearance by Arkanis Gath. By the same token, if you had sided with Bodhi and started Chapter Three, you wouldn't be penalized for killing any of the Shadow Thieves (although every one of them you met would be hostile). If you do something that makes the game create an appearance by Arkanis Gath, you can't evade him; even if you try to trick the game, he will respawn until you're dead. Basically, you're stuck in a "game over" situation, since he is after you now.
The question is, why is Arkanis Gath attacking you? Or in other words, which Shadow Thief did you attack that should not have been attacked? Maybe you didn't do anything wrong at all and Arkanis Gath is appearing because of a bug. Maybe it has something to do with the Improved Maevar MOD.
At this point, I don't know how to solve your proble, so I suggest that you reload a recent saved game. Good luck! the pieces fall together. I didn't show renal the proof before I attacked Mae'var, so that's why they're spawning. No worries though, as I snuck out the back door