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"To hits" for Epic level characters

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 9:25 am
by Mr_Sukebe
I've just got HOU and have installed it.
I found the documentation a little poor on the implications of having an Epic level character.
Does someone have a link to a table listing the number of attacks per round, to hit bonuses, saving throw bonuses, spells etc for classes above 20th level.

In addition, are there some feats that are instantly granted for Epic level characters, or are they simply bought are per normal every 3 levels (or whatever character class a character is), i.e. 21st, 24th etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 9:47 pm
by shift244
as i can recall, from the original rules, the attack and save bonues progress onwards like normal for the class you choose. eg: +1 attack per fighter level, +1 will save every other spell caster level etc.

i do not know if i'm forbidden to reveal this, but you get an extra attack is granted for every +6 attack bonus, no matter your class, so a character with +5 gets that only but +6 will get +6/+1. this would explain +10/5 and +11/+6/+1 etc. exception is the monk's unarmed attacks.

as for feats, i do not recall any feat given for free upon reaching 21st level. the epic feats are much like the other feats though, and have requirements to be met before they're available. the difference is that the requirements are higher every 3 levels, or whenever u get a bonus feat :)

"epic level characters" are simply "over lvl 20 characters" and most everything simply progress from there, except thinds like spells..