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anyone experience this problem in chapter 3

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 2:46 pm
by yobbam
I am in coldwood forest in chapter 3, i enter the wizards castle and open a door. I am swamped by some elementals. As soon as i get close the game freezes completly. The cd rom spins as if it were trying to access some sound files, but it just keeps spinning . I have to shut the computer down in order to restart the game, but the game crashes no matter what i do. I even entered and used an invisibility potion but when it wore off the creatures see me and boom cd spins game crashes. The only thing I would say could be the problem is, I had a scratch on the play disc and buffed it out, twice now, surface seems ok, but the game still crashes. Im playing on an older computer running windows 98 special edition with a geforce 2 graphics card with 64 on board. I also have patched the game to the most current version. Thanks for any information

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 8:07 am
by Monolith
You could try to make a copy of the CD. I did this with music-CDs when they had too many scratches. I'd give it a try....