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npc mods question
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 7:24 pm
by FilipeTeles
I have downloaded some npc mods like valen,tashia,kelsey,sola but I never used them just tested and now I want to try them
I will do this party
me sorceror
kelsey or aerie I don't know what is better and also I think you can't have aerie and valen togheter but the happy npc mod change it?I want to romance aerie...........
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 7:26 pm
by fable
Neither is better than the other. It all depends on how you play the game, and what sort of challenge you want. Is the game easy to you? If so, go with Kelsey, and do without a full cleric in the party. I think for a second run-through, that could be a lot of fun.
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 7:33 pm
by Bruce Lee
Maybe try the anti paladin kit that comes with tactics. It goes well with Valen. You could try Chloe aswell, pretty nice character.
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 7:36 pm
by FilipeTeles
Chloe?I don't know I will download the mod I don't have it...I think I will go with Kelsey because I prefer magic users and I never used it(download at 85%)......and Fable the game is easy and I don't like having cleric in my party is just because I like Aerie I want to know if the happy npc party can make valen compatible with aerie......
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 7:46 pm
by Bruce Lee
I dont know if happy party helps but I think that if you change aeries alignment to neutral of some kind they might get along.
Chloe is a kensai NPC, pretty powerful but still nicely balanced and very interactive.
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 1:47 pm
by Galmar
Chloe has 25 dex IIRC, "i r b demigod" or some crap. Like that, a crap character concept / history, but seems to have a lot of dialog and NPC interaction scripted with it, even if it is mostly hitting on everyone.
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 2:01 pm
by Aqua-chan
Please, Galmar, I think you're being unfair. Chloe was a great NPC: very fun to take along for the long haul and quite useful. Her DEX was just a charactor add-on, like Minsc's strength being 19, and seems fair to me.
And please, expressing opinions of somebody's efforts by calling it "crap" will not earn you much respect. Please try to be nice.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 2:25 pm
by Numinor
Her 25 dex are because Chloe's mother is Akadia, the goddess of air. She also has her personal swords granted by the two gods her tribe worship, Lathandar and Akadia.
I'd like to add that 25 dex are not as "uber" as it sounds: since she's a Kensai she can't wear any armor, and 25 dex only gives you 2 less AC than 18; and you can't turn her into an Kensai/Thief because that is disabled by the mod.
And if you think she's only hitting on everyone than you obviously didn't play with her for more than 1 hour.
Perhaps I should tell Lucy you think her character concept is crap, I think she would have something to say about that

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 3:19 pm
by Galmar
Perhaps i was a little harsh in saying i thought it was a little "crap", i found the NPC interactions pretty nice, and good for a laugh (especially with imoen in the party). I however just didnt like the whole daughter of a demigod thing, the 25 dex i thought was a bit of a problem, fortunatly if i recall she wasnt allowed to dualclass.
I personally disliked the idea of max dex stat, and the whole idea of the divine heritage (everyone and their sister is theson or daughter of a demigod in tob). Perhaps if i tried her before ToB was out i would have thought differently.
But still i apologise if ive come across too harsh, as i said the only problem i had was with the concept of the character, the scripts and dialogs in there all seem to work well and im sure there was some interaction between her and valen or kelsey. I just think its a shame that one of the main reasons ive heard people interested into it is chloes... erm.. how shall i put it... well, lets just say she isnt too fussy with the gender of the people she's willing to flirt with.
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 7:52 pm
by jcompton
Originally posted by Aqua-chan
Please, Galmar, I think you're being unfair. Chloe was a great NPC: very fun to take along for the long haul and quite useful. Her DEX was just a charactor add-on, like Minsc's strength being 19, and seems fair to me.
Minsc's strength is not 19.
Chloe's dex "makes sense" if and only if you believe that the Chloe backstory belongs in the BG2 game.
well, lets just say she isnt too fussy with the gender of the people she's willing to flirt with.
She's quite fussy about the gender of the people she's willing to flirt with.
As for the original proposition, while some may be reluctant to declare a "better" NPC, they are not all created equal.
Valen has interesting interactions with the gameworld but virtually no banter with in-party NPCs. And I know of no hack to allow Aerie in the party with her although it would be pretty trivial to create one.
Tashia has minimal interparty banter, somewhat more numerous mini-interactions, and a male PC romance. I've noticed that the SOA portion of the romance generally gets better reviews than the TOB romance.
Kelsey and Solaufein make more of an attempt to be "fully-loaded" NPCs, in that they both have a romance track as well as a large number of interparty banters, as well as scenery interjections. There are certainly roleplayed PC types that won't get along terribly well with either of these NPCs, or the others, but I think more of an attempt to make them fit in with multiple playstyles was made. (Valen's just meant for evil parties by design, it's not an oversight.)
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 8:14 pm
by Aqua-chan
Originally posted by jcompton
Minsc's strength is not 19.
Yes, I figured this not long after I posted it. I was using an item that had boosted his strength and just seemed to recall it that way.
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 8:38 pm
by Galmar
I was using an all female party with chloe and valen at the time, guess that i assumed she liked guys also =D plus i rekon she likes anomen.
And jc, thats some shameless advertising of kelsey.
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 9:07 pm
by Aqua-chan
Originally posted by Galmar
plus i rekon she likes anomen.
She ends up rebuffing his not-so-subtle hinting on her.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 1:28 am
by Harbinger
Originally posted by jcompton
Minsc's strength is not 19.
Just a small footnote, in the Unfinished Business mod Minsc does indeed achieve a strength of 19 if you complete his quest satisfactorily... No I'm not associated with the UB mod or cliffette_ in any way shape or form. 
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 10:12 am
by jcompton
Originally posted by Galmar
And jc, thats some shameless advertising of kelsey.
I hate to see what you'd think of the ACTUAL shameless advertising then.
And as for Anomen... Chloe has little respect for anybody, Anomen least of all.
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 11:41 am
by nephtu
A quick and idiosyncratic summary of the ones I've played:
Valen: ultra-cheesy, limited personality depth - I love her portrait
Solaufein: fairly cheesy, great NPC, well written
Tashia: the more munchkin of the NPC sorcerors, nice character, semi-cheesy
Kelsey: great voice set, good banter, less munchkinesque (not cheesy at all really)
All well worth trying, as I'm sure the others (like Chloe) are.
PS - for my money make Edwin a sorceror, too. He's such a good sorceror.
Remember, you can't add Solaufein untill Chapter 5.
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 1:22 pm
by Galmar
Originally posted by jcompton
I hate to see what you'd think of the ACTUAL shameless advertising then.
Im just messing with you =) Kelsey rocks
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 1:26 pm
by fable
Originally posted by Aqua-chan
She ends up rebuffing his not-so-subtle hinting on her.
Anomen is about as subtle as a gnome with a cold.
Btw, Icelus has posted a longer list of NPC mods up in the BG reference crossroads. Some are mentioned that I've never seen, before, including an intriguing pair: a female wildmage, and a female monk.