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It is time for a poll! Best fighter
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 11:24 pm
by Bruce Lee
Hello board! Which of the fighter type classes/kits is the best in your opinion. I had to leave out some so if the one you think is best was left out then share your opinion in a reply instead
My favourite is the kensai, preferably elven. Stylish, fast and deadly

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 1:37 am
by KoreeGahn
Well that will have to be the kensai...(preferably dualled with mage)
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 2:48 am
by Sytze
Mine would be the ARchER. Incredible dead early on. Great fighting style and his called shot ability is quite nice too.
You can also dual a Generic Archer to Mage or Thief now, so that could possible make him more powerful then a kensai-mage.
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 2:55 am
by Elemental ZOOT
Barbarian-Immunties when raged,great abilties etc but i also like the archer as well
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 3:13 am
by Coot
Stalker, because he's so very versatile. He can melee, shoot and backstab with the best of them, can cast lowlevel priestspells and even gets a few (admittedly useless) magespells to boot.
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 3:56 am
by seinfeld
I got berserker.He is strong, can carry heavy items and has some special abilites.Kensai of course too.
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 4:09 am
by Sytze
I find it strange that noone voted Monk yet. Fully exploited and leveled up this class is probably the strongest of them all...
Maybe people dont like playing the Monk?? To dull perhaps??
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 6:07 am
by Bruce Lee
Yeah the monk was very popular here a year or two back I think... either all the monk followers stopped playing cause the monk was too powerful... or maybe too weak or like you said, dull. I found the monk fun to play but you miss out on many cool items.
I started a soloarcher today and so far he is very strong hardly ever gets hit and no problems at all yet. Maybe he will surpass the kensai as my favourite

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 6:11 am
by Sytze
are very strong. The only problem will be groups of enemies (meleewise ure very weak) and magic (though this can be overcome with magic items I guess...)
The ARcheR is a fun and powerful kit, but ull be in for one heck of a solo game

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 6:22 am
by Bruce Lee
Yeah I guess it will get more difficult as I move along. So far I have freed hendak and the slaves, cleared the circus, taken out the gang at the den of the seven vales(is that it?), cleared the guarded compound and the sewers from mercenaries, kobolds and goblins. I dont think I could have done this so easy at this stage with any other fighterclass... well I guess I could have with any other ranger kit aswell. We'll see how it goes.
The proudest moment so far was when I took down the beastmaster and his pets without getting hit and without leaving his area and not using oil of speed

You can shoot through the openings between the cells hehe, maybe a bit cheesy.
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 6:25 am
by Sytze
Id advice u to get the boots of speed asap (Dhalis quest)
Which Bow are you using by the way??
Another thing: did u already cleared out to top floor of the Guarded Compount, or only the first one??
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 8:47 am
by Phantom Lord
I'm missing the Wizard Slayer here. Never played one myself, but the magic resistance is pretty interesting ...
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 11:21 am
by Bruce Lee
Yeah I left out the wizardslayer, IMHo it is better in ToB than in SoA but it still has major drawbacks if you ask me.
I am using tugian bow and the sling of seeking alternatively, the sling so I can use a shield( reflection shield and later on harmony). I plan to invest in xbows next so I dont miss out on enchanted ammo of any kind.
Yeah the guarded compound was very easy with the divide and conquer tactic. Only ketta got close enough to harm me. I have problem with inventory space though
Yeah I think the boots of speed would be very good... I am spending all my money on oil of speed at the moment

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 4:23 pm
by FilipeTeles
The most powerful in my opinion is the monk but I just hate monks it's my vote is for the archer it's really powerful and fun I have soloed 3 times with them and I get no dificult at all.Also I like a lot gensen bow.........Kensai are good too but only if dualed to mage in my opinion.
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 4:33 pm
by FilipeTeles
Originally posted by Elemental ZOOT
Barbarian-Immunties when raged,great abilties etc but i also like the archer as well
Elemental try a halfing barbarian using two handed sword it's great.......
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 4:57 pm
by Elemental ZOOT
I sometimes use a Halfling but W/ Sling +5 or Daystar.
O yeah i have a story to tell about my AMAZING Archer.
I was just going 2 go out of the city to do the D'Arnise quest and the vampire and the shadow thieves were fighting so i decided 2 go into the crooked crane. I knew there was a lich there so i decided to get daystar before going to D'Arnise. I got Nalia to go in, grab it and get out. Aerie casted POE 10'radius and hte stupid lich casted gate. I had all my party out of range. His POE wore off and the moster started attacking the lich. I then used arrows of dispelling on him and he wasted all the death spells on his summons. I finally got him down to using lvl 1 spells and i charged in W/ My Archer wielding Long Sword +1,Daystar, Minsc W/Mace+1 and Anomen-Mace+1. In the end it came down to minsc doing 33 damage but my archer used Daystar and it nearly killed him. 22 000 XP and i just came out of the dungeoun.
My party consists of
I have 3 clerics cause at this time i REALLY need healers and im trying 2 romance Aerie.
Barbarians are great as Dwarves and Half Orcs. I wouldn't say they're best as halflings considering their low Strength.
I had a TOB game W/ My Human Barbarian and suprisingly he had more HP than a normal Dwarf and Half orc would and he had 18 Constution. He had 166 HP when he was LVL 18 and all the other times i used a half orc it would only be 126 HP/
I actully think Kensais suck-Only good as a mage or thief dualled.
Wizard Slayers are great in TOB when dualled to thieves or even a mage.
Beserkers are OK dualled to cleric but Lorgan is the BEST fighter u can get as a NPC.
Beastmaster is an "ok" class.
Generally i thonk it goes to Barbarian because they're allrounders and they have great strength and good HP and immunity to backstab!
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 6:04 pm
by fable
Originally posted by KoreeGahn
Well that will have to be the kensai...(preferably dualled with mage)
Yes, the kensai/mage is not merely powerful, it's also arguably the best option if you enjoy strategic fighting. You have a world of magical and melee options open to you. The one drawback is that you have to prep a kensai/mage's armor with spells, but that's not much of a problem if you have another tank (or two) to immediately engage the enemy.
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 9:07 pm
by Galmar
Voted berserker, basicly a fighter with the berserk ability.. which makes you immune to just about everything while it lasts. Only drawback is the maximum of 1 star in missile weapons... since i hate them, no big.
If only sarevok was a berserker...
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 12:26 am
by FilipeTeles
Originally posted by Elemental ZOOT
I sometimes use a Halfling but W/ Sling +5 or Daystar.
O yeah i have a story to tell about my AMAZING Archer.
I was just going 2 go out of the city to do the D'Arnise quest and the vampire and the shadow thieves were fighting so i decided 2 go into the crooked crane. I knew there was a lich there so i decided to get daystar before going to D'Arnise. I got Nalia to go in, grab it and get out. Aerie casted POE 10'radius and hte stupid lich casted gate. I had all my party out of range. His POE wore off and the moster started attacking the lich. I then used arrows of dispelling on him and he wasted all the death spells on his summons. I finally got him down to using lvl 1 spells and i charged in W/ My Archer wielding Long Sword +1,Daystar, Minsc W/Mace+1 and Anomen-Mace+1. In the end it came down to minsc doing 33 damage but my archer used Daystar and it nearly killed him. 22 000 XP and i just came out of the dungeoun.
My party consists of
I have 3 clerics cause at this time i REALLY need healers and im trying 2 romance Aerie.
I also have a history about my archer.
I was walking in the underdark and I find a dragon named Adalon.I use the improved haste.I click attack and he falls down..................
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 4:40 am
by Elemental ZOOT
Originally posted by FilipeTeles
I also have a history about my archer.
I was walking in the underdark and I find a dragon named Adalon.I use the improved haste.I click attack and he falls down..................
I can't wait 2 use him in TOB-Improv haste,Greater whirlwind