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sleeping question
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 4:49 pm
by FilipeTeles
I want to know how often you sleep in the game...I am having problems because I never sleep.Some times I sleep once in the game when I am doing a solo barbarian archer or some non magic user....and sometimes playing magic user is boring because I don't sleep much and I usually fight with the SoM instead of using my spells...........
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 5:29 pm
by Bruce Lee
Yeah solo fighters dont have to sleep that often. If I play with a full party I dont use potions and sleep mostly in inns just for realism. You should use whish or spelltrap to recharge your spells instead of fighting with SoM
Once a spellcaster gets level 9 spells and high level abilities there is really no need to sleep until you are fatigued... you should never run out of spells.
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 7:31 pm
by Aqua-chan
You shouldn't continue on if you're fatigued, however. You suffer a THAC0 penalty when tired.

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 7:50 pm
by Bruce Lee
Exactly what are the penalties for being fatigued?
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 9:46 pm
by Aqua-chan
Gah, I was looking for it when I posted. I know it's in the BG2 Manual, but I can't find mine. But I remember reading about it and thinking about hwo stupid it was that they couldn't fight as well when tired when they don't die of stravation from not eating.

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 11:24 pm
by Harbinger
For every 4 hours beyond the 24 hour game time the player will receive a -1 to all of his rolls. As soon as the character rests all penalties will disappear. Every 1 hour of real time = 12 hours game time. So Im thinking these penalties can be quite substantial as every 20 min. real time accrues another -1 penalty.
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 12:23 am
by FilipeTeles
I use the spell trap ability is just because I rest too little I wenting mad because of many days u usually finish the game?
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 1:02 am
by Bruce Lee
Re: Sleeping
Originally posted by Harbinger
For every 4 hours beyond the 24 hour game time the player will receive a -1 to all of his rolls. As soon as the character rests all penalties will disappear. Every 1 hour of real time = 12 hours game time. So Im thinking these penalties can be quite substantial as every 20 min. real time accrues another -1 penalty.
So if I play with a fighter and never rest my thac0 will basically stay the same as i level up
Almost worth a try.
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 12:23 pm
by FilipeTeles
I have a solo half-orc barbarian that finished the game without sleeping...and a halfing barbarian that I finished the game in 1 day of playng

.......very nice but with how many days you finish the game?
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 12:43 pm
by Luis Antonio
I dont know Felipe, but IMO you should sleep more often to improve the reality of the game history.
If you were an adventurer you'll try to rest every time you could. Well, I would, at least

cause I'm kinda lazy!
Also, sleeping causes you to be attacked and improves your experience. With the barbarian it is very cool to solo, he is invincible (hehehe) and the best soloing class in game.
Então, mano, agora eu vou fazer um solo com um monge... Vamos ver no que dá
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 1:10 pm
by Galmar
The "rest" button is the ultimate cheese
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 3:41 pm
by Luis Antonio
Originally posted by Galmar
The "rest" button is the ultimate cheese
Why is that?
I'm sure there is a reason for rest to be included in a game such as this. IMO, it is to locate the game in an as real as possible world. Cheesy is to use it with 'rest until healed' on.
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 5:39 pm
by Galmar
Some people, with mages in particular rest after every battle or when they have less then a full spellbook. A friend of mine rested 20+ times in the de'arnise keep (leaving nalia a little annoyed no doubt) just because his cloudkill slots werent full. Also he had a slight tendancy to use the just as cheesy "reload" button every 5 seconds, using finger of death on every single boss creature and reloading until it hit.
Rest until healed is annoying, having a cleric pretty much means you only need to rest 1-3 times in a row to get full spells and health for everyone. But i only ever rest my characters when they've used basicly every spell and ability in their books, all have pretty low hp (even the mages tank sometimes) and are fatigued. (Or when i need a romance to go on that requires an outdoor area and i wont be outdoors for a while). This is a little extreme, but it just dosnt feel right otherwise.
My philosophy is, play fair and fun until you get into some major trouble, if the trouble is that bad use all of the cheese your wildmage can muster. And boy are they cheesy =) Getting out of the first dungeon using simulacrum to cast level 9 spell scrolls... priceless.
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 6:46 pm
by FilipeTeles
Originally posted by Galmar
The "rest" button is the ultimate cheese
I agree because in the real life I can't rest 8 hours all the time when I want.My god resting 20 times in arnise is a lot bizarre to me because I think almost all my games I finish the game without resting 15 times or even less.
Look I finished the game in 19 days with my archer,25 with my barbarian,and mages and sorcerors i take 30-35 days...between other this much?I think its a lot.......
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 7:54 pm
by Bruce Lee
Is that SoA only or ToB aswell Filipe?
Galmar can you elaborate on the simulacrum and ninth level spell in Irenicus dungeon? Sounds interesting.
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 8:27 pm
by Galmar
I meant getting outside of irenicus dungeon, on that very first screen just after little immy gets taken away you can get level 9 spells.
Theres a rather large woman that sells assorted useless items just south of the den of the seven vales and just north of the gnomish submarine thing... actually you could say its about 10 steps east of the circus tent if you wanted to be specific... anyhow she can be pickpocketed for simulacrum. A lucky wildmage can cast that no problems. As for the level 9 scrolls, you can either pickpocket the amnish guards and hope for something nice, or failing that you can annoy the cowled wizards into attacking you with one of their lazy hit-squads.
If you kill these you suffer no reputation loss, no-one goes hostile and the mages themselves can drop level 7 and 8 scrolls quite often, i believe ive had a level 9 off of them before (gate i think), i know level 8 is there for sure though. Anyways you can kill them without much problem if you summon a bunch of air elementals (you get a scroll for this at the place with the genie in irenicus' dungeon), or by resorting to mass cheese tactics.
Anyway after that just use the simmy to cast the scrolls and you dont use them up, or you can learn them and try casting them with the wildmage's NWD spell, allthough at that level you are more then likely to do something bad. (like summon 4 demons at once instead of 1)
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 8:41 pm
by FilipeTeles
SoA only I don't have ToB.........
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 5:07 am
by Bruce Lee
I gave to try that Galmar!
Filipe a while back there was a speed solo contest. I think someone soloed in 9-10 days. I soloed a berserker/thief myself, took about 12 days.
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 5:35 am
by Luis Antonio
Have you guys played without eating, sleeping or just computed the time when you were efectivelly played?
Gosh, I can't play for more than six ours... My mind goes dumb.
But I would solo with a monk or a barbarian, for sure, or a multi elven fighter thief for the backstabs.
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 3:49 pm
by Bruce Lee
We are talking in game time

Not real time. Atleast I am.
In my current game it has been 25 days and I have yet to leave for spellhold... solo archer I am. Just somehow srewed up the ranger quest. Very bad cause I need that moondog. I think it was a bug or something.