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Taris - Why?

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 9:22 pm
by ultimate_ed
For those that haven't finished with Taris and left the planet, you'll want to avoid this post as it is a spoiler

I have finished Taris. Having done so, I find myself feeling somewhat bummed. I did all the quests on the planet on the light side. But, in the end, none of them matter as everyone I saved or helped gets killed off.

It's too bad there wasn't some way of the Escape from Taris quest could be completed in a way that spares the planet.

Anyone else have any feelings on this one?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 4:56 am
by Curry
Well the planet wasnt destroyed, the surface was just pretty good bombed :P Anyway of course there will be couple of survivors

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 5:16 am
by Armisael
I dunno, I'd guess there's only so much carpet bombing a planet can take before it goes kaput...

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 5:46 am
by Noushin

I was pretty bummed about Taris, but I did get Mission and Zaalbar (although I never used Zaalbar all that much), but the UnderCity dwellers who left for their Matrix-like Zion beneath the surface may have survived.

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 3:00 pm
by BelloL
yeah. after spending so many hours invested in Taris (first time around playing the game) and really getting to know the city and its characters it sucked to see the destruction of the place and knowing that you can't go back. Still, I suppose that's what makes this game so epic. You really understand (or don't) the evil of Darth Malak to the point where the Admiral himself is hesitant and seemingly regretful of the orders he's forced to follow. Even in the original SW movies, you didn't get the impression that the officers were somehow morally challenged by the idea of blowing up a planet with the original Death Star. They were just scared for their lives when they messed up on something more trivial. To think, I just got out of the planet and have only just gotten to Dantooine, and from the random spoilers I keep mistakenly reading it seems like this story has really just begun. I almost wish that once Lucas is done with the prequels that he will do a movie (not necessarily a trilogy) based on this game, even if just for the fans. But yeah, I was surprised at how saddened I was when I saw Taris get bombarded - the cut scene captured the destruction well.

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 11:09 pm
by Gizkanator
I hate Taris. It's boring and tedious, and I just wanted to kill all those Undercity losers. I kept telling myself "Taris now, Dark Jedi later". Seeing that horrible planet reduced to rubble was perhaps the best moment I've experienced so far. If you can't tell, I wanna be a Dark Jedi! Being evil never felt so good, not even with morphine! :D

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 11:35 pm
by khaselri
Yea they didnt actualy blow up the WHOLE planet did they?.
I dont know i think the outcasts might still be alive in their place they go to if u give em all the journals.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 12:36 am
by Adm. Pellaeon
Two schools of thought for the Undercity Outcasts:

1. The journey they began when "you" handed them the Journals would take them several months. At the latest, you rescued Bastila two days or so later (remember, there was the night were you "prepared" for the Taris Swoop Championship). Given that time frame, they're dead ... the victims of the Sith Fleet's bombardments of Taris.

2. Nothing over two stories survived, says Carth. The Undercity was not like as in EU depictions of Coruscant or Nar Shaada, however. The "sky" of the undercity was the ceiling of the vaulting that held up the rest of the city. If the buildings were destroyed, there's still a good chance that the vault levels escaped the general destruction.

Actually, there's a third. The image we see of Taris as the Ebon Hawk flees the destruction shows a band of cityscape in the middle of the visible portion of the planet. It's conceivable that, unlike Coruscant, Taris City doesn't actually cover the entire planet, but is merely a REALLY built up portion of it.

And they don't actually destroy Taris. The fleet merely slags the surface. The planet is still there, of course...

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 9:34 pm
by Kool69
Well after playing through Taris 5 times, it gets to the point where you just wish you could go to do something else and let a bot or w/e run through it and get the quests items and so forth for you... After you see it beeing bombed 5 times, trust me you feel pretty indifferent and just want the ****ing cutscene to end already!

NO!!! Master stop! I need those circuits! Don't vent your frustration on them! Please I beg you master! -HK-47

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 10:46 pm
by Adm. Pellaeon
I agree whole-heartedly. I was/am REALLY sick of Taris.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 5:26 am
by Kameleon
Originally posted by Kool69
Well after playing through Taris 5 times, it gets to the point where you just wish you could go to do something else and let a bot or w/e run through it and get the quests items and so forth for you... After you see it beeing bombed 5 times, trust me you feel pretty indifferent and just want the ****ing cutscene to end already!

Amen to that, I'm only on my third run through and it's getting a little - shall we say - infuriating. Oh, and why can't you skip all the cutscenes? Cardinal sin tbh...

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 12:05 pm
by ultimate_ed
Well, I haven't tried skipping many cutscenes since I'm on my first time through. But, for things like the takeoff and landing sequences, I can just hit escape to get past those. Does not not work with the major cutscenes?

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 2:21 pm
by Kameleon
Originally posted by ultimate_ed
Well, I haven't tried skipping many cutscenes since I'm on my first time through. But, for things like the takeoff and landing sequences, I can just hit escape to get past those. Does not not work with the major cutscenes?

You can skip most of the FMV cut-scenes, but when you get game-rendered stuff you just have to sit there and watch. You can't even click quickly through the dialog like you can in-game. So I go make cups of coffee :D

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 3:12 pm
by Kool69
Xbox the only 1 ive been able to skip through is numbro uno cutscene with the Endar Spire getting attacked. I just pull the tiggers and hit buttons like a madman till it skips it.

NO!!! Master stop! I need those circuits! Don't vent your frustration on them! Please I beg you master! -HK-47

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 7:20 pm
by Master_Deeje
something strange about me is I've beaten the game 4 times and each time i played totally light side yet each time i enjoyed watching taris be destroyed...maybe it just reminds me of alderran

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 5:13 pm
by Rem Nac
I think it's someone in the Cantina on Tatooine who tells you "they only destroyed the city, not the whole planet" or something along those lines.

I think that those buildings were all hundreds(thousands?) of stories tall, and that that much building material plummeting down would smash straight through the supports and into the undercity.

When I left Taris I was feeling slightly annoyed that I didn't get the chance to kill the retired pit fighter. So seeing it destroyed was quite satisfying. "MWAHAHA! Got you at last!"

I'm looking forward to replaying the game(possibly LS this time) but certainly not to having to do the Taris missions. A few of the later ones give you more options to diversify, but I think that most of it will be a simple repitition of the first time I did it.
Although, now I'm much better at the game, so maybe it will seem easier. Or perhaps I'll just get annoyed that pathetic little NPCs are kicking my a$$ when yesterday I was a big bad Sith.

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 11:54 pm
by EtherSeraph
Personally, i hated Taris. the people were uppity and snobbish, and most seemed like they needed their heads shaved, or white sheets draped over them (i was most dissapointed i couldnt kill that old man who was spouting about killing all aliens.. enless someone knows a way how to.... *grins*

the Hidden Beks were ok, but seeing as how they werent to far from the surface, i think they probally either got blasted, or mushed...

seeing as the outcasts were pretty much near the planets surface they should be fairly safe. should be, they said the travel would take weeks. i dont know how time was measured... from way the game played i find it hard to beleive you were there for more then a day after you came to. *shrugs*

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 5:18 pm
by Gizkanator
What I loathed the most was getting patronized by that Tarisian noble in Davik's Estate. "Here's five credits, now scurry along." I shoulda killed him. I was going dark then, but I turned light. It was the Jawas. They reminded me of Jehovah's Witness. :D

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 3:20 am
by Jacmert
DARN!!! You can't go back?! I left Taris after finding both journals of the Promised Land, but I could never figure out how to ACTIVATE that quest... I guess I didn't find that corpse in the undercity village....

Well, that was like 7 hours of game time ago, and I'm not going back....

Hmm, it seems I only missed ~500xp points and some LS points.... I guess I'll survive.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 10:10 am
by Sethernis
Well i hate Darth malak more, taris is quite nice if you're fast with undercity, and play over with bounties and dueling.
If Malak wouldn't have destroyed taris, all swoop fans would have known me, and the whole people who have relatives or even friends on taris would have known i'm the greatest dueler(of NPC's ;) ) of them all, even beated Bendak Starkiller, so a hell of a lot people whould see me as a celebrity, imagine how much free alcohol and beautiful babes, that mean!!

MALAK DIE!!!!!!!! YOU RUINED MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!