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Leaving Dantooine, choice of party

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 4:55 am
by Curry
I headed to Tatooine, bought TK-43 so my party is now

Scoundrel/consular /w Lightsaber
tk-43 /w Ordo's repeating blaster (fully upgraded)
Carth /w Carth's blaster (full upgrd) and Sith assassin pistol

What you say? I this good party to take down enemies?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 5:08 am
by Astafas
I's prefer another melee character. HK is great as blaster backup, you yourself good at using the Force and attacking using Sneak Attack. But try Juhani as tank, you will do much better than with the current configuration. But as always, all parties is possible, it's really a matter of playing stytle and preferences.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 5:29 am
by Armisael
Pretty weak, really. Your only meleer is probably the weakest possible PC build in the game for the purpose of tanking and close quarter fighting. You only have one Jedi in your party, which doesn't have to be a deal breaker, but it means less force powers. Equipment-wise, HK-47 would be better off with Jamoh Hogra's carbine, which you can buy from the merchant at the Anchorhead spaceport, and if you're about to leave Tatooine, then you should have a pair of Mandalorian heavy blasters, which Carth should be using.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 5:29 am
by Noushin
party members (possible spoiler alert)

Sounds good! Careful about reading further, if you don't want to know too much about the character evolutions just yet.

At some point I categorized my characters and teamed them up together:
The Enforcers: Carth (master 2weapon fighting), and Canderous (master 2weapon fighting) with choice armor and blaster pistols

The Droids: because they were droids :)

The Thieves: Mission (Stealth heavy, and master dueling with blaster) and Zaalbar (master flurry, melee)

The Power Play: Any of my jedi together.

I always tried to keep at least one melee and one ranged in my group just in case, with the exception of the my power play group that were all jedi.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 11:26 pm
by Padme
I always try to have myself and one of the soldiers (Carth or Canderous, usually Carth because his rating is a point higher) and another of the Jedis (Jolee or Juhani) For me this trio is awsome.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 4:04 pm
by blake
I keep my jedis for fights in places that i cant switch team members out and HK-47 (canderous's repeating blaster, upgradeable) and TK-43 (2 mandalorian heavy pistols and flame throwers preferably Baraqin if you can get them) for when im just walkin about, its so awesome to have an assassin droid and a regular all purpose droid cause its like the original star wars before the new ones started to suck it up

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 11:47 pm
by Armisael
Yes, except that instead of an assassin droid, Star Wars featured a whining, useless moron.