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Sorcerer Versus Wildmage (read before voting)

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 9:06 pm
by Galmar
Sorcerer Versus Wild mage (read before voting)

Who can kick the most arse? Thats the question.

Both at max level (level 31 iirc).
Both with identical equipment (or none at all for that matter).
Both with identical stats (say 18 int / wis and 12 for all others).
The wildmage is considered to have a full spellbook.
No non-magic based melee or ranged attacks are allowed. (however black blade of disaster, energy blades and the like are allowed).

The main argument with why sorcerers are better then mages is that sorcerers have more adaptability, ie if a sorcerer is silenced, no big deal, if hes got vocalize he can cast it as many times as he wishes if he has spell slots for that level open, wheras a mage is helpless if he hasnt taken the time before hand to memorise this, and only has limited numbers of this spell, having to sacrifice other spells of that level in order to cast this, perhaps loosing out on extra offence or defence. Silence is a bad example given the amulet of power and the fact that power word silence has no save.

However wildmages gain the extra spell slot per level like specialists do, have no opposite school and have the ultimate wildcard spell, Nahal's Reckless Dweomer. Note that this subject needs a little knowledge of how wild surges work, and how that upon casting NRD the level of the caster is added to the roll, as well as any chaos shield spells in effect.

So does the risk of the wildmage outweigh its potential benefits, or is the adaptability of the sorcerer too strong to be beaten?.

Just to make sure you have read all of this, votes in the first two choices "SORCERER" and "WILD MAGE" (ie the ones in caps) will be disgregarded, and put down to being too lazy to read all of the post =).

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 10:42 pm
by fable
When you said "best," I thought you meant which was the most fun to play, not the most powerful. That's why I had to select your last option. Really, who cares which has the most testosterone? It's the thrill of the overkill accidents, the delight of the silly results and trying to cover for the horror of th4e worst problems that makes the wildmage both a great RPG choice and a fine strategic option when you're just tired of overpowering everything. Which is so easy to do, even on the hard level.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 11:51 pm
by Xanth
I voted for the bottom one too, but not so much because I think I'm trying to be difficult, but because I think you're trying to be difficult by creating a whole bunch of options to what should be a two option poll. You have 2 choices for Sorceror, 3 for Wild Mage, and 1 of those choices for Wild Mage (the luck factor) is as much a non answer as the bottom one. It's hard to tell if a vote there is a vote for the Wild Mage or not. This poll is set up so badly, Florida's election board would make fun of you. So all in all, I think I made the right choice.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 3:29 am
by Galmar
The poll is pointless, i just added that so there would be some pretty colours to look at, this was just to entice some "OMG SORC OWN U NOOB" comments =).

WM is fun, not practical without a ton of reloads, but fun.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 5:40 am
by Luis Antonio
The wild mage is too much diferent. Last option. You just can't predict the outcome of any encounter between a Sorcerer and a Wild Mage.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 9:29 am
by Stilgar
Originally posted by Galmar
The poll is pointless, i just added that so there would be some pretty colours to look at, this was just to entice some "OMG SORC OWN U NOOB" comments =).

WM is fun, not practical without a ton of reloads, but fun.

One of the most fun games ever was a wildmage WITHOUT reloads for bad wildsurges.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 10:22 am
by fable
Originally posted by Galmar
The poll is pointless, i just added that so there would be some pretty colours to look at, this was just to entice some "OMG SORC OWN U NOOB" comments =).

Oh, that case, it's closed. If you want to go in for pointless spam, do it in the SYM (Speak Your Mind) forum on GameBanshee. ;)