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dual-class fighter/cleric

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:32 am
by Limey
What would happen if I created a fighter (five stars in longbow) and dualled to a cleric? Would the dualled character be able to use the longbow once I had attained a high enough level to use both class abilities??

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:44 am
by lompo
You would have just lost 5 prof. points.
If you want to keep the prof. points you should allocate them in weapons eligible by a cleric.

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 3:31 am
by Bruce Lee
Put five stars in sling instead, they are better than longbows ;) ... in this game.

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 7:17 am
by Boris
It could be argued that a sling was better than a longbow historically, if only because the slinger can also employ a shield.

There aren't too many cases where it was put to the test, since the sling had largely fallen into disuse by the medieval period when the longbow was in its ascendency. But I believe that Navarese slingers once famously out-shot English longbowmen, though the latter were generally considered the Bees' Knees at the time.

Not that any of this has much, or indeed anything, to do with the original question...


Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:21 pm
by JackOfClubs
Originally posted by Bruce Lee
Put five stars in sling instead, they are better than longbows ;) ... in this game.
In what sense do you mean better? Bows have a higher rate of fire, higher damage, more varied ammunition and the ammo is more readily available.

The only advantage that slings have is that, as noted above, you can use a shield. And, of course, they can be used by priests and single-class mages -- which was the original question.

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:39 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Originally posted by JackOfClubs
In what sense do you mean better? Bows have a higher rate of fire, higher damage, more varied ammunition and the ammo is more readily available.

The only advantage that slings have is that, as noted above, you can use a shield. And, of course, they can be used by priests and single-class mages -- which was the original question.

strength bonus... :D

all slings in the game, not just sling of seeking, will increase damage based on strength...this makes avoreen an incredibly powerful weapon, due to +4 to damage, and strength bonus, either with belt, or draw on holy might, and righteous magic... ;) :p

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:53 pm
by JackOfClubs
Ah, so. I think I have the Baldurdash patch that fixes that. (At least it fixes the Sling of Everhard, not sure about the others.)

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 3:23 pm
by Phantom Lord
Slings ... tss tsst tss ... I've got a slightly different tip for that class:

1) Give him the Berserker kit.
2) Name him Darth Maul.
3) Give him five stars in staff
4) Max out the two-handed weapon skill, then dual or dual at 13 or 16.
5) And one day, grab the Staff of the Ram ...

Believe me, I once had such a character and killed four improved liches in the city within two hours, solo, travel time included. And of course you'll get a +4 weapon immediately. Bye bye, Kangaxx.

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 4:29 pm
by Bruce Lee
Shields are very useful. My soloarcher used shield of reflection and shield of harmony and sling to great effect... couldn't resist to use the slightly cheesy shield of balduran when goings got to tough though... once you get smite with your archer you can stun most annoying creatures and keep them at a good range. Too bad there is no bow with a knock back feature hehe.

Why not name him Darth Limey :cool: