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AR2700 and ToB

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2001 7:11 am
by Jalios
I was just reading the FAQ for ToB at the Bioware site..and it says the game begins after you visit a sacred glen where you get answers that just lead to more i figure they must of dumped that from BG2 prefering to leave it for ToB..

*shrugs* thought that might interest someone ^^

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2001 7:14 am
by Manveru
Where is AR2700 in game ?

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2001 7:22 am
by Jalios
it's not "in" the game..ya have to cluaconsole to go there.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2001 7:25 am
by Manveru
So we cannot reach that place by normal playing ?

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2001 7:38 am
by Jalios
nope..which is why i said they dropped it for bg2 and left it for tob..

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2001 7:41 am
by The_Pope
So what is AR2700 man? Tell us! Obviously you already visited it by CLUAConsole (what's the code? GoTo("AR2700")?).

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2001 7:41 am
by Manveru
I will check it as soon as possible. It sounds interesting.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2001 8:09 am
by Jalios
well if you go there after you become the slayer, from the dream, you end up in the middle of a 'platform', you turn into a the slayer then back into yourself, talking to the closest "head" in slayer form they will give you advice etc..then you fight another slayer, which you have to do in mortal form, to 'win' the heads will then tell you that the taint has been driven back, i guess giving yourself power over yourself again..

I think they were going to include it then changed there minds..but it seemed to fit, it looks like a sacred grove, which is where ToB starts. BTW the heads call Irenicus "The Exile" which stands to reason it's a sacred elven grove, and in ToB Queen Ellesime urges you to visit the grove...

But they left it out for some reason, prolly because it's bloody hard to kill the slayer in mortal form. even with a kensai/mage with stoneskin, tenser's transformation, boots of speed and dual wielding crom frayer and flail of the ages..

But it may not be in ToB...just thought i'd mention it, get people's imaginations to flowing over ^^


Btw the code reads:

CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR2700"), will only work properly if you can turn into the slayer, otherwise the heads won't talk to you.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2001 8:14 am
by Manveru
I've checked it - interesting - I think that they will include it in ToB after changing dialogues (it seems that it was dream or something like that - the next fight with evil essence of Bhaal). It is possibly somewhere near Tethyr wood or Sudelnessar.

And you gain 300000 for killing this slayer.

[This message has been edited by Manveru (edited 04-01-2001).]

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2001 1:40 pm
by KensaiRyu
I believe this area was already covered in the Post on 50% MR.
The area that your referring to is part of a dream sequence during which
you battle another slayer. Once you advance far enough in the game you'll be
taken to this battle."
This quote is from Bioware, i pasted it to them on an email asking if it was true today, if it is then that area is acessible via normal means (by a dream), however it is dependant on how long you have played the game. Finishing in 40-70 days, according to previous discussion, wont enable this to activate. I hope Bioware gets back to me on this.

KensaiRyu, Grand Master of the Saints of the Sword.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2001 1:51 pm
by Lucian
mythalos was full of crap..that area 2700 is unfinished, and easilly convinced we will see it in tob..the grove ellesime directs you to.

i warped to there and turned into the slayer to talk to the heads, then fougth the other slayer..then i noted that i could talk to the heads still..saying that with that i had to become the slayer...i did that and was again transported to the center...but got locked in dialogue mode since the other slayer already was dead...this is a definite punctum, an unifinished area you cant reach

[This message has been edited by Lucian (edited 04-01-2001).]

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2001 1:54 pm
by Lucian
and i didnt got any additional magical resistance as he also claimed

[This message has been edited by Lucian (edited 04-01-2001).]

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2001 2:03 pm
by KensaiRyu
Well to be honest i had a hard time believing him,seing as how i'v probably played bg2 for 2000 game days and never had it happen (not all at once, i mean all the new games i'v played and then restarted when got to hell), but i'll wait and see what Bioware says.

KensaiRyu, Grand Master of the Saints of the Sword.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2001 2:11 pm
by The_Pope
Oh come on don't be stupid!
I just did that area and I'll tell you what happened:

My party is standing on some strange rune. I see a sequence in which my character transforms into the Slayer and back. Then I have to go talk to those statues. A message appears that I'm hearing a voice inside my head giving me some clue to change in Slayer form, so I do. The statues tell me some god-crap, but in between the dialogue lines, something like "player not found, check blabla..." appears (error messages, probably meaning that this is indeed some unfinished area).
Back to the center of the screen. Some other Slayer attacks me. I kill him. The statues tell me I should use my powers to stop Irenicus.

To stop Irenicus!! So this can't have anything to do with Throne of Bhaal. Think for a minute will you? Image
This stuff is indeed unfinished, and it looks bloody likely that it will remain like that as well. Too bad, coz it was kinda interesting.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2001 3:58 pm
by cheesemage
or theres another possibilty where in ToB during watchers keep, if you go there before the expansion after you have gained the slayer ability they might add this sequence. And less likely possibilty is thet edit the text.