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How do you pass the game with Bodhi as an ally?

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How do you pass the game with Bodhi as an ally?

Post by Speedy69 »

I cannot seem to be able to get back to Bodhi from the Graveyard District. She told me to get a shipment, and so I got it from the Docks. While I was exploring, I found a key to the Shadow Thieves secret cellar. Ok so I kill this guy that Bodhi supposedly wanted me to kill. Done. Then I go back to talk to Bodhi and tell her the good news. But I couldn't seem to get to her. The entrance is blocked!!! How do I get to her. I've tried all the entrances I know in the graveyard but I can't get to her lair!!! Can someone please help me?!?
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Post by Radek »

If I understand well then the topic is the first Bodhi's task. If it is so, then Bodhi wanted something completely else.
Go to docks a night. Find the stairs leading to the sea in the south of the map (west to Galvarey's Estate; if you have played with Aran, then it is the same place where you found Mook). Kill the guys there (including Mook and Arkanis Gath - do not fear, AG is not cheating there). Take the shipment (or it is placed into you inventory automatically? I don't know now.) and return to Bodhi.
As far as the blocked entrance is concerned, it is bit weird. Perhaps, the entrance is blocked because you haven't finished the task. Try to get the shipment first.
The key, you have obtained, belongs to the final Bodhi's task. I recommend not to clear the thieves guild now.
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Post by Smith2414 »

I am having the same problem. I have the shipment I was supposed to get. I have been back to the graveyard and checked every entrance. They all lead to the Spider nest area, not the vampire lair. There is a locked crypt that's barred from the other side I haven't been able to figure out how to get through it. I'm stuck. Help!
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