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Bridge Murder Trouble (spoilers!)

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 10:08 pm
by DashGore12
Bridge Murder Trouble

i went into tanning shop once armed gaurds had arrived then for no reason, i decided to attack the tanner, he spoke to me then ran downstairs. i killed em all and got the bow peice, but the human flesh is nowhere to be found. i searched everywhere. also, if sum1 knows how to attach bow 2 bowstring for thew Gesan bow plz tell meh. its not of utter importantce but i would rly like the Human Flesh +5.... ty just for caring enuf to read this.



"OW! 3rd degree burns!..... i mean, NEAT! 3rd degree burns!!!"

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 10:17 pm
by Galmar
Firstly add "(Spoiler)" to your topic title.

Now, the human flesh armor is found on either the 1st or 2nd sublevel in the tanners house ... look for the beds, go over to the bed and click on it, a use icon should appear, USE the bed (the cog icon) and youll find it.

As for the gesen bowstring thing go to cromwell in the dock district and he will fix you up.

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 10:26 pm
by DashGore12

ummmm i am sry but i do not know how to USE the bed or the "cog icon" mite be sumthing i know about but not by the words u r using...... ty bout the cromwell thing ill get on it rite away!



"OW! 3rd degree burns!..... i mean, NEAT! 3rd degree burns!!!"

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 10:29 pm
by Galmar
1.Move mouse over bed.
2.Press left mouse button.

Its not that complicated, pssht that TAB button took something away from BG, made items too easy to find.. whatever happend to the good ol days of dragging the mouse over every single pixel and looking to see if it changed icon?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 11:11 pm
by Bruce Lee
I like the tab function but I think it should have been made a thief ability... or something that only works when you have a thief of a certain level or skill at searching.

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 8:13 am
by DashGore12

i can see ure point Galmar, it was a little much but i liked it. Thoguh i can definently c y sum1 wouldnt. So, u say that its on the bed? i have searched everything with tab like 3 times over and no flesh...... ill look again tho



"OW! 3rd degree burns!..... i mean, NEAT! 3rd degree burns!!!"

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 8:38 am
by Galmar
Dash, i have this uncontrollable urge to swing Crom Fayer at your skull... so before i dress up like a dwarf, crouch down and hunt you down with a paper machet hammer READ WHAT I SAY.


2. Do NOT, i repeat NOT use the TAB key.

3. Go into the tanners house, either ONE or TWO floors down.

4. Look for what looks like a BED.

5. Move the mouse OVER the bed.

6. Click the LEFT mouse button a few times.


Bruce yah thats a nice alternative, too many people (myself included) rely on it an awful lot, it makes you get lazy and not really interact with the enviroment as much as you did in BG1... plus some people get confused if they enter a room and cant use the doors or the TAB button to highlight anything to get out (like the gas room before the unseeing eye).

And hell, a theif ability would be nice for it, maybe under detect illusion. Or maybe Detect / Find traps.

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 10:16 am
by Mini Me
it is the floor above the waterm below the entrance. It is the bed in the top corner next to the wardrobe. If you hold the mouse over it, it will change to arrows pointing clockwise. Now click. someone will walk over and discover human flesh!

and yes, please do put spoiler on the thread title

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 10:22 am
by fable
Per Galmar's point, I'm changing the thread title to include a "Spoiler" designation. DashGore, check out the site owner's sticky thread at the top of the page about this--and that's a general comment to everyone, as well. Thanks.

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 11:11 am
by DashGore12
My bad

ooohhhh. i found flesh. but i thought wasbed to LEFT of the bed it was under.... so i nvr found.... ty. but hey guys, bout the spoiler n stuff, lighten up! im new to forums and i dont know how the run k? fable and other moderators were nice and since im used to where they are not nice, it was quite annoying, even if u r trying to help. cut me sum slack i need to find how to express my annoyance without swearing and breaking this forums rules. k?



"OW! 3rd degree burns!..... i mean, NEAT! 3rd degree burns!!!"