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Spoiler-Gaining feats for my droid..

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 12:41 pm
by bkranz
Hi List Members:

I've been trying to keep my droid in the lead so that he can get the most points for his level upgrades.

He's passed a few but it's only every 2-3 levels where he gets to pick up new feats. Is this true?

When I cheat to get him the EXP points it seems they went to my lead character.

So what's the best way to get him upgraded feat-wise? Need a cheat method and a normal method.
He's at level 9 now I think. We're after the first Star Map in the game progress...

Your leads will be appreciated.

Thanks, Bill Kranz

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 12:56 pm
by Xandax
If you look at the tables in the manual(in my manual on p. 58 and 59), you will see the level progression for both combat (HK-47) and expert (T3-M3) droids.

For combat droids it is indeed 1 feat per 3 levels. (after level 3).

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 1:22 pm
by eidospsogos
xp is distributed to all party members, regardless of who is in the lead. you can leave the droid on the ebon hawk and he will still get xp from the battles. even when cheating there is no way to gain feats. the only way to change how many feats you get per level is to edit the featgain.2da. or hex-editing your savegame will allow you to gain alot of feats.

for game-editing resources go here: ... orumid=324

i have never tried giving xp as a cheat in this game, as there is far too much of it around already. i hit the cap my second time through with two star maps yet unfound. but if it works like setting your skills, you merely have to tab over to the appropriate character in the menu. but i figured with the way xp worked in this game, as in when it is gained EVERYONE gets it, that it sahould not matter who receives it. but i have never used the givexp cheat, so i don't know how it works.