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What Next?
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 6:31 pm
by davfra
I`m well into TOB and I was wondering what to do next.
If I start from the beginning and do Baldurs Gate 1, can I use a character from my present game of TOB?
Also, on completion of BG 1, can I use the same character in BG2?
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 6:44 pm
by dragon wench
You *can* import a character from BG1 into SoA. However, as far as I know (somebody correct me if I'm wrong), the process does not work in reverse.
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 7:32 pm
by Mhordak
Yeah, no .. can't do it in reverse ... but hey, why not go try the IWD series, or Torment if you haven't already!

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 8:24 pm
by Aegis
Torment is definatly one to try out. If you enjoyed the story in BG2, then the one in Torment, while a little more slower paced, is definatly worth it. It's a little less combat geared, with your PC able to get through a lot of troubles by talking smart.
IWD is the opposite. Heavy combat, low on story. Still a decent game to play through, but not the same type of game, in terms of story. Actually, if you were to mix IWD, with PS:T, you'd get BG2... Weird.
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 9:31 pm
by dragon wench
Originally posted by Aegis
Actually, if you were to mix IWD, with PS:T, you'd get BG2... Weird.
And I don't think it is coincidental that BG2 was also the most successful of the three.... *sigh* Damn shame that that there won't be any more like it; hence, why I am pleased so many people are out there making mods.
Too bad there don't really seem to be any mods available for PS:T....
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 4:03 am
by davfra
I`ve done both IWD and, whilst I enjoyed them, they just can`t compare with BG.
Planescape Torment I started, but found it a bit depressing. All those corpses and the almost permanant darkness. Not for me, I`m afraid.
I`ve done BG2 several times and there`s still something for me to learn. I haven`t used Trigger Spells yet or used a Familiar.
Looks like BG again.
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:03 am
by nephtu
BGII + MODs = whole new game
Apart from the replayability of BGII itself with different parties, throw in some MODs (NPCs and/or content mods) and you truly have a whole new game - Improved Ilyich from tactics, for example, turns Chateau Irenicus from a dull-as-dishwater tutorial into a hilarious, goofy and fairly dire fight - have your cheese in hand!
Solaufein brings an astoundingly good and immensely challenging optional fight, there's The Ritual (who'd think that 70 point low level characters would be such a challenge?), Ascension, Unfinished Business, Spell-50, yadda yadda yadda.