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new on IWDII: having a few party building question !

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 5:36 am
by silverdragon72

...dissapointed that you can only advance to level 10 in TOEE, I decided to start IWDII until an expansion pack is available !

(hope that there are some people still on this forum)

Playing CRPG's since the original Pool of Radiance (Amiga)

I've some questions on the "IWDII special rules"

1. Are there any minimum Primary Attributes for classes ?

for example: are you allowed to mc to sorcerer even if you have 4 CHA ?

2. Items that are "not usable" by any class besides paladin

can this items be used by a mc paladin (e.g.: Paladin cleric Ilmater)

or can you only use this item with a "pure" paladin

3. It seems that the ranger can only use his free feats 2-W-F and ambidex when using no or light armor !

is this right ?

on the other hand the feat descritption for 2-W-F and Ambidex don't have these restrictions !

is this right too ?

Thanks for you help !


Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 6:48 am
by blahblah
Yes, there are min req you can have a sorceror with charisma of 4 but they can't cast any spells you need to have minimum 11 to cast level 1 spells and 19 for the level 9 spells this works for all the spell casting classes primary spell attributes so same for int for wizard and wisdom for all others except bard hich is charisma I think. The fighting classes have no min req except for certain feats, but it's pretty ridiculous to try using a fighter with strength 4 wouldn't even be able to carry his own armour. The level 9 spells for spell casters are WELL worth it.

There is one paladin only item and it's in chp 5, there's a graveyard in kuldahar and you need another item from teh dragon's eye section in your posession then you click on this and it summons a party of 6 evil characrters you have to beat to keep the sword it's a +5 sword though and well worth it not to mention the exp you get but it's a VERY hard fight. Other items are limited by your alignment at times and there are druid only rogue only bard only and sorc/wiz only items

the last part is right you get the feats for free though if youwere to use a fighter and get the feats the normal way you could use heavy armour and use both these feats

Hope it helps and enjoy the game

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 7:11 am
by silverdragon72
thanks for the quick response
Originally posted by blahblah
Yes, there are min req you can have a sorceror with charisma of 4 but they can't cast any spells you need to have minimum 11 to cast level 1 spells and 19 for the level 9 spells this works for all the spell casting classes primary spell attributes so same for int for wizard and wisdom for all others except bard hich is charisma I think. The fighting classes have no min req except for certain feats, but it's pretty ridiculous to try using a fighter with strength 4 wouldn't even be able to carry his own armour. The level 9 spells for spell casters are WELL worth it.

absoultely right - but I thought about adding 1 bard level to a mc character for just getting the bard song - this one will never cast spells so I want to give him only low CHA !
Originally posted by blahblah
There is one paladin only item and it's in chp 5, there's a graveyard in kuldahar and you need another item from teh dragon's eye section in your posession then you click on this and it summons a party of 6 evil characrters you have to beat to keep the sword it's a +5 sword though and well worth it not to mention the exp you get but it's a VERY hard fight. Other items are limited by your alignment at times and there are druid only rogue only bard only and sorc/wiz only items

Yes - but can anyone besides a paladinXX use this paladin-only sword - e.g. a paladin7/cleric ilmater3 ???


Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 7:38 am
by blahblah
the bard bit then should work fine although why not just use bless for about the same effect and have the character (bard) freed up to fight instead of having to continually cast this spell (bard song)

as should even one level of paladin although I'm not sure how MC outside your allowed type for your paladin's order works with that seeing as you're no longer able to advance anymore as a paladin are you still a paladin???

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 8:27 am
by silverdragon72
Originally posted by blahblah
the bard bit then should work fine although why not just use bless for about the same effect and have the character (bard) freed up to fight instead of having to continually cast this spell (bard song)

as should even one level of paladin although I'm not sure how MC outside your allowed type for your paladin's order works with that seeing as you're no longer able to advance anymore as a paladin are you still a paladin???

AFAIK in TOEE you can fight and sing your the Bard song simultaneous - and btw. the song does stack with bless !

you can advance as paladin if you choose the cleric of ilmater for mc - but the sword is not useable by clerics or anything else then paladin - so if you have a paladin7/ cleric(ilmater)3 can he use it or not ??? - cause for the cleric it should be forbiden to use !


Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 7:05 pm
by Mirk
you can use items if you have a level in a class that can use them, no multyclass restrictions.

bards can get a very useful "lingering song" feat, that allows your bard to stop singing (and attack or cast spells) while the affects continue for two more rounds.

i think 1 bard level is an exellent addition for a back-row char. i highly recommend it for clerics, as the "make-your-allies-fight-bravely" approach is very in-character with the cleric class.


when a game is paused, hitting the "bardsong" button twice, or once and followed by another action (like cast spell or attack) will produce the effects of the song, while the game is still paused. this can be evilly used with several bardsongs together.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 4:14 am
by harbourboy
Everyone's answers to your questions have been correct. Sometimes it is very useful to multiclass just one level in order to be able to use certain really cool items. Other than the Holy Avenger sword for Paladins there some other cool items that only Bards, Clerics, and Rogues can use. If the qualities of those items complement your main character then it is well worth the sacrifice of one level to get them. Example (no spoilers) if there was an item that only Bards could use that gave you +2 charisma then it would be worth your sorcerer taking a level of Bard just to get the valuable +2 charisma that comes from using that item.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 6:48 pm
by Valahan
However, if you will be MCing certain classes as throw-ins to use certain items, be WARY of the Favored Class/MC restriction. This could cause problems(-20% exp penalty), which is not very good when you already have an ECL of +2.

EX: A FighterXX/bard1/paladin1 could use Bard and Paladin only items as well as the regular stuff.

But you could very much make powerful characters if you plan ahead.

EDIT: As well, about the 2-W-F and Ambidex feats, it is even good to make a FighterXX/ranger1 or RogueXX/ranger1 to simply let them keep the free feats(and thus freeing 2 feat points to use on other feats)while wearing just light armor the whole game. Light armor in the long run with a high dex modifier(dex-based fighter/rogues using small blades with the feat Weapon Finesse are good) is usually just as good as full plate, and there are alot more magical light armors then there are medium/heavy, unless you use Weidu's Ease-of-Use mod.

And last but not least, everywhere I look, I see that the feat Improved Initiative is bugged and does not work, so don't spend a feat on it, unless you find a fix for it(I haven't, though I am sure there must be one somewhere!)