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HOF battle squares
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 7:01 am
by blahblah
I' getting plastered trying to get through the minimum rank for the key to Oria's bedchamber fom the ice golem in the aurilite temple lvl2. Have tried fighter, mage and cleric. My summonings incl elementals just get creeled by the cornugon and glabrezu's that come thru managed to kill off two omnsters once befor the third got me. One swipe and 2 Greater bone guards killed. Impossible to get thru and would really like to complete the HOF mode just once. The skull traps 8 at once can kill off one monster sometimes but then I need suggestions on what spells will work as they seem to be totally resistant to my disintegrate spell.
Any suggetsions??????
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 9:36 am
by Patrick
I just want to let you know it can be done, I did the 10 ranks in HOF.
Some cheese, use a bonegard or any other summoned monster to distract the target creature. By this I mean, walk around the outer squares of the battel square board with your summoned creature. The opponite creature will follow and attack at the one going round the squares. Then you can focus on just attacking it. If you attack with a summoned creature it will disappear to the waiting room. So don't. Only use it for distraction. Also use the mace of disruption any time possible. Some other cheese, like if its a feyr or demon it may teleport to the waiting room. This does not mean the square is lost, rather beat down to almost dead then send your champion charactor over. (Rather send it over during the beating. If the temple Golleum is outside the waiting room when you kill the creature you still get the square as a victory. Golleum will show up but it takes a while for him to walk over. I would also say use buffs. Have lots of healing available. My cleric was perfect because he had full heals. Sometimes if its a big creature you can hide behind the golleum in the doorway and plink the creature with arrows. Just some tips, you may already know?, But just in case I hope it helps. \
I really enjoyed this part of the game for extended game play and a game within a game.
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:05 am
by nettleman2
I went through that with the wizard. Firstly cast Fire Shield (red) and Fire Shield (blue) then Spell Resistance (Clr 5) and fire protection and then Iron Body. Quick save at that point and try to cast Mordenkainen's Sword (or Black Blade of Disaster but Mord. is much more effective (+~25 vs +~14 Att and ~20 vs ~12 dmg)). Since Iron body has a 80% casting failure u'll have to quick-load (L by default) 4 or 5 times until the Mord. is successfully cast.
And enjoy ur wizard butchering overpowered foes!
An other tactic is to cast many delayed fireballs near the summoning point of the creatures, or to cast Improved Haste and Mord. and every time the summon approaches u run to an other corner of the room an cast Flame Arrow (the spell that combines casting speed and lot's of damage(~100)).