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Korriban Problem (probably spoiler)

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2004 3:56 pm
by Lord Little
When i was on korriban, i ended up having to fight Calo Nord, fair enough but i could be bothered so i left and completed kashyyk instead, when i headed back i had a cutscene with Karath sayin Calo Nord was dead but when i went to The Valley of the dark lords again Calo was there and so was Darth Bandon and all their sith friends!

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2004 5:28 pm
by PinkowiM
ok, there was a topic on this a while back so i dont expect u to see it, but i dont understand how bandon and calo were there at the same time, becaue bandon appears at the fourth world that u visit, according to u, u've only visited 2.

My assumption, you have a good fight because of a bug.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 10:57 am
by Lord Little
Sorry, i ment to say i got all the other star maps and completed The Leviathan before i went back and now i have to fight them both at the same time!

Any ideas who i sould hav in my party?

Ta v.much

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 3:51 pm
by PinkowiM
well, u can just put your self, juhani and jolee in your party and just duke it out, and u can take advantage of the conversation bug by when you have one guy left (not yourself) and go and talk to someone with conversation. End the conversation, and you are reborn, (with 1 health) it can be some what helpful

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 3:04 pm
by Rem Nac
hhhmmmm, so you've got Bandon, his two dark Jedi, Calo Nord, and his two bounty hunter chums?
Oh, the first time I did the game through I just killed Calo(but I saw his outline in the party selection screen) but can't you convert him to your side?
Then you could have Calo to help you with bandon.

But anyway, if you've got all 6 of them there(in a confined space?) then I'd suggest getting three people to throw thermal detonators like crazy :)

3 against 6 will be pretty difficult if you try to take them on man for man, so you might as well do your best to fight them as a whole group.

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 8:00 pm
by coolcanadian
Originally posted by Rem Nac
Oh, the first time I did the game through I just killed Calo(but I saw his outline in the party selection screen) but can't you convert him to your side?
Then you could have Calo to help you with bandon.

you cant have calo on your team. he cant be swayed to your side, the outline you see is of hk 47.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 11:25 am
by Jack Dell
actually, you should enjoy losing a couple of times cause it will probably be the last time in the game that you do. Perhaps Malak, but then again with all the guides and strategies out there you probably wont. Make it a seperate save cause its probably a fun battle anyway.