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recharging rods
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 7:44 pm
by Witch King
i'm not talking about downtime required after sex here. i want to recharge my rod of resurrection, and maybe buy a second one. how do i do that? i checked the boards, but didn't see this topic sitting around, though i'm sure it's come up a bunch.
also, are there any decent longswords? i have the roses one, and the equalizer i lost the pommel of...
thanks for your assistance..
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 7:52 pm
by fable
LOL! @WK, you recharge rods by selling 'em to a merchant, and then buying 'em back. Alternatively, you can sell a rod and then steal it back. With thievery potions, it's relatively easy to do, and a bit of low-quality cheese. Be aware, some merchants will "instinctively" recognize stolen merchandise if you try to sell it a second time. One of the best places to resell ad infinitum is the Thieves Guild. Odd that they will let you sell, steal back, resell, steal back, and make yourself a fortune while that potion's effect lasts.
I don't recall seeing a Rod of Resurrection for sell in the game, but I may be wrong. I found one near Mekrath, the mage who's holding Haer'dalis captive, which probably explains his short fuse.
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 8:05 pm
by Witch King
you can always count on fable
thanks man. i'll try that. i had one with 10 charges, but now it's down to one. i just bought one for 2400 from the adventurers mart, but it only had one charge. odd that if i sell it back and then buy it, it'll have more than one on it, but i'll give it a shot. ok, my bigger problem:
i lost the gauntlets of ogre strength and the hammer of thunderbolts- didn't really know i needed them for the ALL HAMMER (why don't they give you the scroll before you get the items??). so , i guess i sold them to someone at some point. anyone have any ideas?
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 8:07 pm
by Witch King
so i sold my Rod back, and then bought it, losing 12K in the process, and it only has one charge still!
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 8:15 pm
by fable
That's weird. I sold it, bought it back, and it had *10* charges. (That's all the rod will hold.) In all five games I played. What merchant did you visit, and what mods are you running?
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 8:26 pm
by Witch King
i've visited a ton of merchants all over, i can't remember who i would have sold those two items to. very frustrating.
no other way to make them appear, eh? short of shadowkeeper i mean. i haven't used that.
i don't even know what mods are. i suppose, modifications to the game via code? i haven't done anything like that.
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 2:00 am
by Astafas
Ribald in the Adventureous Mart has one to sell as well.
Normally it works to sell and then buy back - maybe you should just try another shopkeeper...
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 3:12 am
by Stilgar
To avoid the problems you have i always sell ALL my loot in the adventurersmarket, and drop all my keys,wardstones, etc. in a boodcase there.
You can get shadowkeeper
How to use:
*open your savegame with shadowkeeper (must be a named game, no quick or autosave)
*click on inventory in the above tabs
*click on an empty inventory slot (not the armor/head/ring etc. slot)
* if you dont have any space left select another charcter using the slider under your portrait
* click change item
* click filter list -> deselect all ->now mark the type of item your looking for
* select your item and click on "assign to [charname] (inventory"
* save under different name
The item is now in your inventory
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 7:36 pm
by Witch King
Thank You Sietch Leader!