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Multi, but not on the internet

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 2:49 pm
by XazaX
I have heard many BG2 players are playing a multiplayer session without playing on the internet, just as it was a single player game, but you have created all the characters yourself. How do I do this?

Thanks for all help! :D

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 3:09 pm
by Mini Me
Hmmm, IIRC:

Go to, instead of single player, multiplayer, then click connect.
Choose serial, and ok.
Now click start game, type whatever you want for session name etc. and create all your characters. Easy enough.

Now, to avoid character arbitration every time you load, go into you BG2 directory and find the folder: mpsave. remove your savegame from this and put it into the fold: save. Now, instead of going to multiplayer, go to single player and load this game, and you will have all six characters of your choice in a single player game.

Only one will be bhaalspawn. If you want to be naughty and have 6 bhaalspawn, make six character files separately (preferably in a single player game), then when you are creating the multiplayer characters, import all these six.

have fun :)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:54 am
by XazaX
All Bhaal

I have pre-generated all my charecters and imported them to the serial game. Are they all bhaalspawn then?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 7:00 am
by UncleScratchy
Re: All Bhaal
Originally posted by XazaX
I have pre-generated all my charecters and imported them to the serial game. Are they all bhaalspawn then?

Only if you made them one at a time in a new MP session. If you made all six at once only the first one will be a Bhaalspawn with the inate powers. If you want all your own chars to have their own inate powers you need to make one char, start the game and then export him, quit and start another one. Do this each time with each char. Now start a new MP game and import all six of these chars. They should retain all their innate powers as if they were the main char. After that you can move the mp save to the single player save file. Only prob I see with your party is that you won't have room for NPCs and won't get their side quests. If you kick a custom char out of the party I believe they just walk away and disappear for good. The only way to get them back is to export them before you remove them and then re-import them when you want to get them back. You might want to leave at least one party slot open just for NPCs.