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Experience Spoiler

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 12:20 pm
by Scorn
In the monks stronghold, transfer one of your characters quest items and containers to one of your charcters. Save the game and purchase the adventurers book. Export the character, reload the game, and modify that charcter to the exported charcter. Purchasse the book again, and again, and again by reloading, or once he's purchased a few copies of the book, export him, transfer the books to someone else, and import him again. I have an exported character named "book exp" with 24 of them. At 10, 000 exp a pop, you can build high level characters in 5 minutes. ;)

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 7:55 am
by harbourboy
Yeah, but that's just cheesey. There are any number of ways of cheating yout way to a high level character (using DaleKeeper II, importing from a previous game, fiddling the moncrate table etc) but they all suffer from the same drawback - i.e. what's the point in playing the game if you do that?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 6:22 pm
by Scorn
I wanted to create a new character without spending hours trying to level him up.

I'm not familiar with your dalekeeper cheat......