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Bodhi final battle glitch

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 10:47 pm
by philrivoire
Bodhi Ch. 6 bug (minor spoiler)

Here's a quandry. I did the final battle with Bodhi )Chap 6). During the battle I was "dominated", but the battle lasted long enough for it to wear off and I regained control of my actions. I put the holy water into the pool of blood. Bodhi screamed something about being unable to get power from the blood and she was killed. Now, I'm supposed to be able to go to her coffin (the boat-shaped thing) and stake her, however her coffin is not a coffin. It's a container, with nothing in it. I can't stake her. There is nothing to stake. So, I'm stuck. I've tried putting my wooden stake in the container, or putting the holy water in the container, but to no affect. It would seem that Bodhi has simply disappeared, along with the lantern that I need to continue the game. So, I see two options:
1. I use the codes to create the items I need (if you know these codes that would help a lot) and give myself and party the experience
2. I restore to a previous save game and try the battle again (which I'd rather not do)

Am I missing something here? Is her coffin not where I think it is? (the empty boat-shaped container is at x1700 y100).


Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 11:17 pm
by UserUnfriendly
right behind the empty container is the real coffin.

don't forget to check the empty container after staking her...and don't forget to stake the other coffins upstairs.

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 8:55 am
by philrivoire
Thanks, but...

Thanks for the info, but there's nothing behind that container. I spent god knows how long pixel hunting and all I can get is the empty container. I've staked all of the vampires upstairs (there's only 3, right?). Perhaps if I talk to Oghma in the Docks district it will trigger something, but I'm not involved in any romance at this point, so there's nobody to cure of vampirism.


Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 1:55 pm
by philrivoire
This glitch has really got me fed up. I took a look at the old posts of people who had the same problem as me. Almost all of them said the problem was solved when the person searching the room had at least one stake on them. I've tried this with every single character in my group and with all characters together. No coffin appears. I opened my save game in Shadow Keeper and scanned through the global variables looking for anything related to bodhi. If anyone knows whether these varialbes are correct and what they should be I'd be most appreciative.



Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 2:06 pm
by Mini Me
check around the boat. At some point, the cursor should definitely change to a sword.

I do believe it is under the container part

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 6:35 pm
by philrivoire
As I said above, I've gone pixel around the boat several times, but to no avail. Interestingly, in my journal, the battle with Bodhi is listed as a done quest, saying that she's finally dead and gone. I get a dialogue with a similar gist from Aran of the Shadow Thieves. It seems that the game has registered in every way shape and form that Bodhi is dead, except I don't have the Rhynn Lanthorn. I've double checked my inventory; it's not there. Thinking back on it, though, I don't remember seeing a gaseous form of Bodhi after she died in battle and immediately after her death Drizzt said something about the evil being taken care of and our work being done. It would make more sense for him to say that after Bodhi has been staked. If anyone knows when he says that, it would be helpful.


Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 7:12 pm
by dragon wench
Dumb question.. but have you got the latest 'official' patch... maybe the balderdash fix patch would also help...

Plus, if you already have SK, and everything indicates Bodhi is dead.. you could just edit the Lanthorn into your game...

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 9:42 pm
by philrivoire
I do have the latest patch. As for using Shadow Keeper to give myself the Rhynn Lanthorn, well...that's just too easy...that's why I didn't think of it...yeah...
Anyways, thanks for pointing that out. I've made the appropriate adjustments to the game with Shadow Keeper and I'm well into Chapter 7 now.
