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Society of Leopald

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 7:48 am
by snake1
Can someone please help! I've just started out in London, in the Society of Leopald. When i left Prague, i had a full set of armour, gloves, sword, shield etc etc but now in London i have nothing! I've read the walkthrough bit that says anything that Christof had equiped when he left Prague, should be in the roomin London that he wakes up in, but i can't find anything! Do i have to do the whole of the level with just my bare hands and Disiplines or what??

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 10:53 am
by Aegis
The items that transfer over to the modern age with you is magical equipment. So, if you had none, then you'll wake up with nothin. Fear not, though, you can pick up some firearms and such along the way. But, for themost part, disciplines will be your main tool.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 9:55 pm
by Locutus
yup...tha man speaks the truth..fortitude is the key...
..hint:run from the flame thrower...and the open-door-and make-the-single-enemy-get-in-your-sight-then-get-out is the easiest way to handle the first step

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 9:48 am
by StarBorn
The sword you get in the teutonic base is you friend. If you missed it, I strongly recommend starting over from that point on and continuing from there, as all mortal weapons are crap ... seriously ... 60 bashing might sound like a lot until you realise that bashing is crap ... I finish off people faster with my sword than with an M16, and that's saying something :)

So ... when you have the sword, basically take on the enemies 1 at a time. if you get more than 1, use Awe ... Awe 5 is the most awesome ability in the game :)

Anyway, that's the easiest way past leopold ...

and as aegis said, only magical stuff transfers on ...

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 10:44 am
by Aegis
The Sword of Ainkurn ;)

Definatly the best weapon in the game, as it does lethal, and I believe agrivated damage as well, meaning it kills immortals quite efficiently. Seeing as vampires soak up bashing damage, it does less then it says, not to mention the armour that is worn by your enemies.

Also, don't forget about the 'Bone of Ass Kicking', as it was so nicely named early in V:tMR's life. Also known as the Tzimitcsie Femur.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 6:28 pm
by Marcillius
Disciplines - When visiting the HoL.

Fort is good, but the best disc to have is Theft of Vitae. If you have level 4 or 5 when you use it on the society members they just curl up and die right there.. most of the time without firing a shot, plus you never lose blood.. Also, I usually take a few rings the Ak.Sword, Insulated gauntlets.. the Ivory Bow, or other things. I have noticed that none of the evil armor will move through. Anyway, theft of vitae 4-5 is the best.

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 11:54 am
by Legend
you should put every magical item, including those that your coteriemembers are wearing/carrying in Christophs inventory before stepping towards Anezka for the final stage of the Prague chapter. Everything will then come with you to the future. Including any insulated weaponry/armour should you have that. ;)