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Perfect Person Help!!

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 12:14 pm
by lifeishell91
hi - i want to make a slash between a mage and a kind of assasin type person. can any of you please tell me how i should make this character and like what to wear to make my look cool and what kind of name i should use. e.x (Peter, high elf, Major skills : marksman, destruction...... blah-de-blah) thx for the trouble!!

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 1:13 pm
by UncleScratchy
Here's my two cents ...

Breton race, atronach sign, assassin class (or spellsword), either sex. Wear glass armor with exquisite robe over it. (Use assassin armor until you find/steal the glass armor). Substitute Saviors hide curaiss when you get it and also the Boots of Blinding Speed (Bretons resist magic as does the curaiss so you can wear the boots without being blinded). If you want to make a custom adventurer class then just be sure to get a good balance between the major/minor skills you choose and their governing attributes. Make sure every attribute is covered by one or two skills (except Luck of course) so you can get good bonus tokens when you level up/ascend. Avoid having a lot of major/minor skills that all have the same governing attribute. Choose ones that you will use a lot (acrobatics, athletics, marksmen, speechcraft, alteration, security, sneak, shortsword, etc.) I seldom use destruction spells as a bow is much deadlier but its up to you. Beside spells can be reflected back on you whereas arrows/darts cannot. My only conditions on major/minor skills when I choose or make a class is that it doesn't include spears, medium armor, or other skills where the skill sucks or there isn't a master trainer. (Try getting 100 skill in medium armor some time - its tough).

Enchant exquisite shirt/pants/belt/robe with CE spells like breath water, slow fall, nighteye, restore health. These are all essential CE enchantments IMO. The first enchanted CE item I make is with nighteye so I can operate at night or in dark caves and tombs. Often you can put two enchantments on one item (water breath + restore heath for example). Possibly substitue an enchanted Telvanni cephlopod helm later on (restore health/fatigue or absorb magicka perhaps). Make one CE exquisite amulet/ring of levitation and one of walk on water+fortify speed (great for ocean exploration/travel).

Other ideas: Enchant an ebony/daedric shield (or whatever you like - possibly an ebony stave) with absorb magicka (it will recharge your magicka which you will not be able to recharge by sleeping - only by restore magicka potions or absorb magicka enchantments) It can be a cast of use item (put the enchantment part in a quick slot) with a duration of 15 or 20 seconds and high magnitude. Get a daedric bow or use the summoned bow for ranged attacks. Use short sword/dagger or stave for melee weapon (daedric wakazashi with paralyze is very effective or get a adamantine jink sword off of a spawned assassin.) Some nice daggers as well (there was a recent post about this).

Name him/her "Snickers" after the Roman god of war (someone actually gave this as an answer on "The Weakest Link" once). My current char is named Iago (after the evil guy in Shakespeare's play "Othello") - use it if you like. Or use your game map for name ideas like Zafribel or Berandas. Good luck.

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 1:19 pm
by lifeishell91
HEY! thx loads! that really helps! but just one last question, what does IMO stand 4?

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 1:23 pm
by lifeishell91
Oh yea, and how do/where-do you get assasin armour? is that like a plug-in 'cos i hav the Elder scrolls III: morrowind version on XBOX?

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 1:28 pm
by lifeishell91
and also, where do you find an "spawned assasin" and an adamantiun jink blade??

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 1:46 pm
by UncleScratchy
Originally posted by lifeishell91
HEY! thx loads! that really helps! but just one last question, what does IMO stand 4?...

Oh yea, and how do/where-do you get assasin armour? is that like a plug-in 'cos i hav the Elder scrolls III: morrowind version on XBOX?...

and also, where do you find an "spawned assasin" and an adamantiun jink blade??

First off, instead of making three posts just use the EDIT function to change an existing post. IMO stands for "IN MY OPINION". Its an abbeviation like using "4" in place of "FOR".

Assassin armor comes off of the dead bodies of Dark Brotherhood assassins. You can only get them if you have Tribunal. The assassins spawn randomly when you try to rest. Kill them (if you can) and take their gear. They usually have some kind of jinksword (dwemer or adamantite short sword with paralzye or poison enchantment). For XBOX I think you need the GOTY version which I'm guessing includes Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansions.

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 2:22 pm
by Sir chris
the one problem is it takes a while to get attacked ive slept tons im on level 7 and still havnt been attacked it really sux but it could just increadably random wich IMO favors no in like 99 to 1

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 4:07 pm
by Echoes
What does CE stand for?

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 5:08 pm
by Kool69
Constant Effect in Enchantments
Can only be achieved using a grand soul gem or azura's star holding a golden saint or ascended sleeper.
However the CE enchantments cost alot more enchantment points than their cast on use, cast on target, and cast on strike counterparts...


Exquisite Amulet of Levitate
Levitate 50-100 pts for 10 seconds on self (Cast on Use)
Levitate 8 pts on Self (Constant Effect)

All in all, constant effect basically means there is no time limit for those items and they are always active when they are equipped.

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 3:40 pm
by Bloodthroe
perfect assasin/mage/you

ok well you'll have to make up your class customly, so the class name i would choose is Rogue after that magic abilities are the hardest to gain points in. So choose Magic as your specialization over combat and stealth, cuz magic will be really hard to get up (aside from alchemy.) Now as far as races go I'd pick the Argonian , they have resistance to disease and are completely immune to poison, plus they seem like sly characters and i think id be fun to be an assasin argonian. Now your 2 primary attributes i think should be Luck and Endurance, if u make luck primary then u start out with 50 points into luck, and every time u go up a level put one point into luck that way by the time ur level 50 you'll have 100 points into luck as for you other abilities go to the nearest guild and ask for training and for 10 points into one ability when u go up a level u get a multiplier of 5 into the attribute governing that ability, e.x. (Long Blade - Strength, Medium Armor - Endurance) so getting the other attibutes up wont be a problem, but luck u cant get multipliers for. As for endurance when u go up a level, your health goes up 1/10 your endurance e.x. (50 Endu. 5 points of health, 100 Endu. 10 points of health.) So get you endurance up early in the game.

Major Abilities: you want to be your magic skills since they will go up the slowest.
1.) Destruction (is your offense magics)
2.) Alteration (abilities like water walking, magic shields, and unlocking with magic)
3.) Conjuration (summoning otherworldly creatures and weapons.)
4.) Mysticism (Teleporting, trapping Souls, and Reflecting)
5.) Restoration (healing your hitpoints and diseases)

Minor Abilities: the ones you'll use most and will go up quick in the game, but u need early in the game)
1.) Weapon of chioce (shortblade works best for assasins)
2.) Armor of choice (Light armor is the easiest to move and dodge in, use shields if you get hit often)
3.)alchemy (you'll get most of the money u make early in the game through alchemy, and everyone can use a few potions even you)
4.) Acrobatics (Jumping)
5.) Atheletics (running and swimming)

As for you birth sign.. every assasin should be born under the sign of the Lover. You can cast a spell(once a game day) that paralyzes your opponent for 60 sec. Also you get increased agility, but thats not the point. The spell that paralyzes is the point. Any assasin not born under this sign should be ashamed. Sorry if this is Long :o

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 4:47 am
by lifeishell91
Hey, thanx for the ideas Bloodtrhoe, but since this was in febuary, I did Uncle Scratchies ideas the most, and now I am a lvl 56 unstopable assasin/mage! nearly all of the magic skills are at 100 except Conjuration, all my armor skills are 100 except mad. and I have loads of other skills way up high! I would disagree on you theory of magic is hardest to increas, in fact it was the easist for me to increase! :o Oh and by the way, her name is Abraxas Deathstar and is a custom class "Black Widow" named after the spider.