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Still Jaheira problems *spoilers*

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 1:44 pm
by Adahn
I hate to dig up this old thread, but... *sighs* i just don't get it. I've installed all the patches that fix the Jaheira romance. And still... After i help Xsar, Meronia, the Harper that's supposed to show up right after dosn't apear. Now i've been extremely patient, and i've left the game runing on pause for about three hours at the docks, and nothing. It's the third time this happens, i mean enough is enough. I even tried using the Clua console, with JAMERONI and sure, Meronia apears, but Jaheira just leaves the party, and stays where she is, she dosn't leave the area. I rest up, i leave, i come back, and she's still there, without rejoining me, as if frozen. Please... for the love of god, please someone help. *sighs* i'm desperate, Jaheira's romance is the only one i haven't done...

Edit one: I've restarted the game twice thinking it was a one time scripting error, but... i honestly don't get it. Those of you who remember me, know i posted about the same problem a couple of months back.

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 2:08 pm
by Adahn
Guys thanks but i managed ^^ Making this thread rather useless. If the moderators are reading this, would you please hehe, delete it? I dunno how ^^()