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Getting edwin
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 3:27 pm
by garazdawi
Is there anyway to get edwin after I joined bodhi without having started the mea'var quest? All the doors are locked so that I can't get through them

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 3:35 pm
by JackOfClubs
Nope. Not unless you use CLUA:CreateCreature
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 4:27 pm
by garazdawi
that really sux, I took the evil path and I can't get the best evil wizard
oh well, any1 know what the command for getting edwin is in clua?
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 5:43 pm
by Numinor
Originally posted by garazdawi
that really sux, I took the evil path and I can't get the best evil wizard
Well, some people consider siding with the Shadow Thieves the truly evil path because if you side with Bodhi you can wipe out both the thieves
and the vampires later, but that has been discussed more than enough I suppose

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 1:35 am
by garazdawi
Originally posted by Numinor
Well, some people consider siding with the Shadow Thieves the truly evil path because if you side with Bodhi you can wipe out both the thieves and the vampires later, but that has been discussed more than enough I suppose
I live in this moment so I don't know what will come next. Therefore I have no clue that bodhi will betray me and that she's the sister of irenicus etc etc. So siding with the vamps fro my char's pov seems like alot more evil
Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 4:45 am
by Numinor
Bodhi tells you she's Irenicus sister before you side with her
But as I said, no need to discuss that topic again

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 5:02 am
by Sytze
Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 9:34 am
by Screaming Johny
This is thread is getting a little off topic & rather spoilerish, but to settle this argument:
If you grill Bhodi on her interest in Jon, she does bring up that she is her brother. I think it is about two screens after starting the thread "You want me to go after..."
If you are like me though, you just try to get through the dialogue as quick as possible and she won't bring it up. I think last time I talked to Bhodi I got through her dialogue with 3 picks.
Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 11:32 am
by Ned Flanders
Interesting garazdawi, I just experienced the same thing myself this past weekend and chatted with a friend about starting a thread here.
I think it is silly that one can choose the evil path and not get the best/only evil wizard. I thought about it a bit and came up with this scenario for the first time player:
Game starts, Irenicus dungeon, you leave with minsc, jaheira, imoen, yoshi. Lose imoen. Perhaps do the circus tent, pick up aerie. soon at copper coronet, dialog with gaelen bayle begins. Wherever you go after, it is only a matter of time before you pick up the poisoned renfeld (who needs to be dropped off at harper compound in docks district). When you drop off renfeld (would anyone not do this quest on first time through game), yoshi talks about renal not liking indy operators in the city so he thinks the party should drop by the guild. Again, first timers probably would do this (everyone loves the thieves guild and unless you made a thief, you probably still have yoshi), and agree to at least look into renal's mae'var treachery quest thus unlocking the doors at mae'var's guild, and making edwin available.
For the veterans, we ignore yohsi request to visit the shadow thieves, drop off renfeld, kill the unseeing eye, clean up the de'arnise keep, and return to buy the robe of vecna and pick up edwin only to find out we can't get to him. Such was my case.
Make any sense? It just seems to me that if you're going through the game for the first time with a party instead of solo, and pay attention to the environment around you, seems like it would be tough to miss out on edwin even when choosing the evil path. In retrospect of my most recent run through this game, I wish I had listened to yoshi and stopped by to see renal bloodscalp but I was already predetermined to choose bodhi so I ignored his request.
Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 11:47 am
by Numinor
Well, there's no real connection between Renal's quest and siding with the Shadow Thieves.
When I choose to side with Bodhi (and if I want to side with the Shadow Thieves, too) I do the Mae'Var quest for Renal early because it is easy and you get a good amount of gold and experience, and I feel it's more realistic doing some easy quests in the city first before leving Athkatla.
Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 1:13 pm
by Ned Flanders
Agreed Numinor, I'm not trying to connect Renal's quest with the Shadow Thief/Bodhi dilemma. I'm just trying to show via my analogy that extensive knowledge of the game and predetermining who you're going to side with can lead to missing out on getting Edwin.
I suppose in my most recent run through of the game, I just figured I'd still have access to Mae'var's guild. I didn't realize it would be locked up once I sided with Bodhi.
Back to does one get Renal's stopping by the guild. If one has already decided before they start the game to side with Bodhi, why would one check out the thieves guild. 1. Because you know the quest is there, 2. Yoshimo mentioned it would be a good idea to visit or 3. Gaelen bayle said it's ok to stop by there.
Again, I knew the quest was available w/o visiting the shadow thief guild but I figured I could stop by/loot mae'var's w/o Renal's approval/quest. I ignored Yoshimo and Gaelen because I knew ahead of time I was siding with Bodhi.
You also mention it's more realistic to do easy quests in athkatla before leaving the city. Tell me, is the game more realistic now that you know where everything is or was it more realistic the first time through the game when everything was an unknown? For me it was the latter
Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 2:21 pm
by Numinor
You have a point there, but I try to play in that "more realistic" way, unless I want a NPC in my party that requires leaving Athkatla early (i.e Mazzy)....
'sigh* you're right, nothing compares to the first or second time through the game

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 3:47 am
by Mini Me
Edwin is CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("edwin7")
you can replace 7 with 9, 12, 15 or 17 depeding on the level you want.
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 12:51 am
by VonDondu
If you summon Edwin from the console and talk to him, he will act as though you're in Maevar's Guild Hall and he will expect you to do his quests before he will join your party. These include killing a Cowled Wizard, retrieving some documents, etc. You might actually be able to do his quests, and at least one of them will yield a couple of useful items. But if you run into trouble with that or simply want to avoid it, there are two easy ways around it. You can use the CLUAConsole to change a Global Variable that will advance the dialogue tree to the point where Edwin will join your group. Unfortunately, I don't know the code offhand. The second way to make him join your group is to use the Ctrl-Q cheat key. It's not as much fun as doing Renal's quest, but it gets the job done.
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 3:36 am
by garazdawi
@ned, I have a f/t multclass elf so I didn't have Yoshimo, and I thought that since I when first seing the vampires fight the thieves in the street's decided that of I ever had to choose sides I would help the vampires take out the theives so that I could take over Aran Lindveil's post as master of the shadow theives.
@mini thx for the code

I don't have anything against doing the quests as long as I get edwin.
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 9:35 pm
by JackOfClubs
Originally posted by Ned Flanders
I'm just trying to show via my analogy that extensive knowledge of the game and predetermining who you're going to side with can lead to missing out on getting Edwin.
But surely extensive knowledge of the game is not the problem. If your knowledge extended to having done Bodhi's quest before, you should have known that her second assignment (the heroic version not the evil one) was in the same room as Renal Bloodscalp. Since he is not there during that quest, it stands to reason that he won't be available to give you the Mae'var quest.
Further, your knowledge might reasonably be expected to extend to the fact that the guildhall is closed unless you have the paper from Renal, so sneaking in without talking to him would be quite impossible.
Finally, even if the two facts above did not come within the extent of your knowledge, surely it is reasonable to assume that since you have decided to align yourself with the enemies of the Shadow Thieves, they would be at least reluctant to trust you into their inner sanctum. Both Renal
and Mae'var would attack you on sight the same way all of the other Shadow Thieves do.
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 1:04 am
by VonDondu
Originally posted by JackOfClubs
But surely extensive knowledge of the game is not the problem...
It would be more accurate to say that INCOMPLETE knowledge of the game is the problem.

If you know how to get Edwin before you start the game, then it doesn't make any sense to join Bodhi before you try to visit Renal.
But then, even people who DO have "extensive knowledge of the game" have done a lot of silly things.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 9:55 am
by garazdawi
Originally posted by VonDondu
But then, even people who DO have "extensive knowledge of the game" have done a lot of silly things.
This is the part that applies to me. I just didn't think that the door would lock when I joined with bodie and hence I'm now left without edwin (unless I clua him in that is..)
oh well, we'll see what happens...
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 10:42 am
by Ned Flanders
point taken JoC. This was the first time I had ever sided with Bodhi so I had no idea what would transpire once I chose to align with her. This was extensive knowledge i was not privy to.
I guess it doesn't even come down to having extensive knowledge of the game (actually vonD is right in saying incomplete), just the fact that one knows ahead of time they have an important game altering decision to make, and their mind is made up before watching the plot unravel.