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How to get all daedric armour and keep Diyvath Fyr alive

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 10:25 am
by lifeishell91
1.) buy a inviseability spell, armour breaking spell and a long lasting calm humanoid (from now on known as c&h)spell (or make good enchantments).

2.) go to the guy and use c&h spell

3.) use the breaking armour spell ova and ova again..until all of his armour is broken and hes not waering any of it.

4.) go behind him, use invisability, and pick pocket all his armour!


p/s afta you do this, he will always try to attack you, so just use the c&h spell and if during your process of gettin the stuff, just use the c&h spell on him!

P/p/s you have to be at least a little good at security to get the stuff so either go the the master trainer in Balmora or go to a trainer in Gnaar Mok and get it to about 40-50!

P/P/S Can anyone tell me the names of the guys who train secuirity, thx!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 2:21 pm
by UncleScratchy
Very clever approach in getting the armor, hope it doesn't mess up the main quest for you.

TRAINER HINTS: The master trainer for security is in Balmora. If you did all the Balmora thief guild quests then you've already met him. Its the last quest you do for that guild branch. He is a male high elf and lives on the same side of the river as the guild house. The master trainer for sneak is in Gnaar Mok. There are two shacks there. One shack is filled with Commona Tong scum and the other shack has three thief guild guys. One of them is the master trainer.

Highlight for complete spoiler:Hercerinde is the theif trainer for security in Balmora. Wadarku is the thief guild trainer for sneak in Gnaar Mok.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 2:25 pm
by lifeishell91
I know that the sneak master trainer is in Gnaar Mok, but I meant that there is someone there that willl train your secuirity up to about 49, regardless of what faction you are in. You can use him if the master trainer in Balmora won't let you use their services!