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Shaori's Fell

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 3:30 pm
by Alloces
ok I think I need the assist of a Shaori's Fell..looking for the mirror shards...I went to the library and asked the Medusa for the shard she had...along with going to the merchant and the wizzards tower and the Temple...somewhere along this path it seems I have lost a shard of the mirror..I have been back to each individual asking once again .......even gone to the point of killing each .........nothing......seems that one the shards of the mirror failed to make My pack.....I even went back thru the individual saves and I surmise I need a cheat to get this shard of oh great Xan ...if you have a cheat that will help please ........could I have it...

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 11:28 pm
by Xandax
Well ... firstly recheck your journal so you are sure you really have found all shards ;)

Otherwise you should be able to do this:

enter console and type DebugMode 1

enter console and type in this command:
dm_spawnitem q6_shard

That should spawn a mirror shard at the position of the mouse cursor - unfortunally I can't make sure, because I recently just reinstalled NwN and havne't played through any of the modules myself.

enter console mode and type DebugMode 0

Should work.

Good luck.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 10:23 pm
by Alloces
sheeeeeeeeesh ........thanks for the spawn Xandax.....but I should have read the walk thru better ......I found the missing shard and guess where of all places ........yeaaaaaa in the trash in the back of the library.......sheeeeeeesh some people can't get it even after having a clear walk thru ........but thank you anyway ..I killed Saban and got things rolling again..ya ever used the rainbow armour ??it seems to rock even here in the Underdark...has saved My 1/2 elf more times than I can count..well that and a myriad of potions ...gotta love those potions..!!!