Cheap Way To Get Money (Dark Siders) *Spoiler*
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 9:30 pm
Ok mind you this is only for DARKSIDERS ON THE X BOX and I am not 100% sure if it will work for you but I did for me. While on Korriban, go to the Valley of Dark Lords with Juhanni and speak to the guy near the guard at the first excavation site, his name is Dak Vesser. Juhanni will speak to him for a while and then he will leave. Now go alone to the cantina and talk to him, tell him you wont let him leave and then tell him you will kill him. After doing so he will drop a crystal (sorry forgot its name) its worth about 750 credits. Heres the trick go IN the Ebon Hawk and come out again and go to the cantina and he will be there again, kill him again and keep doing that how many times you want, then sell the crystals and you will be rich. NOW IM NOT 100% POSITIVE IF IT WILL WORK FOR YOU BUT IT DID FOR ME, ITS A BUG.