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Question about Shadow thieves.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2001 1:27 pm
by #Apocalypse#
Hya. I have some questions (again). It's about the shadow thieves... I choosed to work with the thiefs instead of the vamps and now I know Bloodscalp has Boots of Speed, I want to get them.
Here is the first question: Do the shadow thieves have any quests for you after you return of the Underdark?
This is my second question: Does that character (a shadow thief) that kills you in 1 blow still appear when you attack Bloodscalp AFTER you returned from Underdark?
If he doesn't appear when you have returned, then it is easy to kill Blood(y)scalp Image

Just hack & slash it.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2001 2:25 pm
by TheDude
first question: no the only thing Alan says to u is 'Kill Bodhi for my' but u where planning to do that eitherway and when u return to him u don't get some xp for this

second question yes the guy appears also after the underdark

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2001 3:20 pm
by Anatres
There are at least two other sets of the boots of speed.

See the Equipment lists posted elsewhere here on Game Banshee.

"Be patient, grasshopper". Image

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2001 7:25 am
by #Apocalypse#
Thanks for helping me out guys! Now I know I can try to get the boots of Bloodscalp without missing any quests Image
(I've done the Mae'Var thing)

Just hack & slash it.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2001 9:06 am
by RiPPeR
how do u get his boots of speed?, he also have the short sword of backstabing if u havent done the maevar quest or if u have taken the thief stronghold